Mehdi Hasan goes Head to Head with Michael T Flynn - YouTube
Who is to blame for the rise of ISIL? Mehdi Hasan goes Head to Head with Michael T. Flynn, former head of the US Defense Intelligence Agency, on how to deal ...
Studie belegt Selbstzensur von Internetnutzern nach Snowden-Enthüllungen | heise online
Die als "Chilling-Effekt" bekannte Abschreckungswirkung der Massenüberwachungen durch Geheimdienste wurde nun anhand konkreter Zahlen nachgewiesen.
Secure email: Tutanota makes encrypted emails easy. #FOSS
Self control: Dan Ariely at TEDxDuke - YouTube
Object-Oriented Programming is Bad - YouTube
CSS Font-Size: em vs. px vs. pt vs. percent / Kyle Schaeffer
tl;dr Use percent for the base font size in the body. Use em for everything else.
Functional Programming for JavaScript People — Medium
Angst vor der Rente - Absturz in die Armut
For the Love of Money - The New York Times
Service vs Factory - Once and for all
MaidSafe - Safecoin
How To Use Rsync to Sync Local and Remote Directories on a VPS | DigitalOcean
C# in Depth: Implementing the Singleton Pattern
Martin Odersky: Scala with Style - YouTube
Some rules for better readable Scala Code from Martin Odersky.
Energy monitor - Smappee
CryptoNote Whitepaper
Coke cans inexplicably individually wrapped and sealed in containers at Central store | Coconuts Hong Kong
Privacy on the Blockchain - Ethereum Blog
Bloom filter
Space efficient data structure to test wheter an element is a member in a set. False positives are possible. Elements can only be added. Based on hashing.
Learn Git Branching
Play Typing Of The Living Dead, a free online game on Kongregate
Great game to learn typing :-D
Recommended Reading for Developers
Vaadin – User Interface Components for business apps -
Scala Collections Tips and Tricks
Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
LSD - Vom Trip zur Therapie
What’s new in C# 6.0? - Dictionary Initializer
The article starts with the list of the previous posts in the series.
James Veitch: This is what happens when you reply to spam email | TED Talk |
Commit Often, Perfect Later, Publish Once—Git Best Practices
Wüstenkrieg - Islamisten in der Sahara
Doku über den Einsatz der Bundeswehr und der französischen Truppen in Mali. - Online Compiler and IDE >> C/C++, Java, PHP, Python, Perl and 40+ other compilers and interpreters
Like jsFiddle or plunkr but for many more languages.
Code-First Development with Entity Framework 4 | ScottGu's Blog
Lightweight OR mapping in C# with Entity Framework 4
Lightsaber Escape
Funny browser game. Played with a desktop computer and a smartphone.
Chrome extension generator
c# - Return magic value, throw exception or return false on failure?
An old discussion... Seems like there is still no easy and reasonable solution yet.
The Trouble with Checked Exceptions
Why C# has no checked exceptions
"Technically speaking - Swagger is a formal specification surrounded by a large ecosystem of tools, which includes everything from front-end user interfaces, low-level code libraries and commercial API management solutions." The formal specification seems to apply to the way APIs are described.
Json.NET - Newtonsoft
Looks like a nice JSON parser for C#
Future-proofing Scala collections: From mutable to persistent to parallel - YouTube
Why are Stream operations not defined directly on Collection? | Maurice Naftalin's Lambda FAQ
Will Potter: The secret US prisons you've never heard of before
Kino Asyl
Filmfestival, auf dem Filme aus den Herkunftsländern der Flüchtlinge gezeigt werden.
Nicolas Henin: The man who was held captive by Isis for 10 months says how they can be defeated
getify/You-Dont-Know-JS · GitHub
Series of online books about the inner workings of Javascript
Inside IS - 10 Tage im 'Islamischen Staat': Jürgen Todenhöfer
Jürgen Todenhöfer, bei Markus Lanz über die ISIS / IS am 30.4.2015
Sehr sehenswerter Auftritt von Todenhöfer bei Lanz. Nur der Lanz ist etwas unangenehm.
US-Überwachung: Erster National Security Letter vollständig öffentlich
Das FBI greift massenhaft auf Kundendaten von Unternehmen zu, ohne dass diese darüber berichten dürfen und ohne dass ein Richter dem zustimmen muss.
Git - Getting Started
Looks like a pretty good tutorial.
Pathways Project
Visualization of the location data of four groups of people in London over 1 month
gnu emacs backup files |
How to configure Emacs to save the backup files all in one folder.
30 Handy Bash Shell Aliases For Linux / Unix / Mac OS X
El-get - WikEmacs
Emacs package manager that does not depend on a central repository.
What Do Your App's User Retention Numbers Really Mean?
html - Creating a Fixed Sidebar alongside a centered Bootstrap 3 Grid - Stack Overflow - Home library management web app
Tarboard | Organize web links- Share & Collaborate
Burrows–Wheeler transform
Nice algorithm to transform text so its more suitable for compression.
The 37 Best Websites To Learn Something New — Life Learning — Medium
Hector Hon's Blog: Getting rid of the input lag in Hyper-V VMs
Oracle VM VirtualBox
Open source alternative to Hyper-V and VMware
How to Watch YouTube without Flash Player but HTML5 Player
I didn't know it's so easy. Just add "&html5=true" to the video URL and you don't need flash.Or go to and change default settings
When to provide an empty destructor
osx - How do I know if dd is still working? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
Extremely popular (alexa rank development!) free utility for basic pdf manipulation.
AlchemyLanguage | AlchemyAPI
Allows to automatically extract metadata from URLs.
Emacs Ninja - Index
Programming in Scala: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide, 2nd Edition: Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon, Bill Venners
"The" scala book
iso image - How to create a bootable USB from a bootable ISO with the command line on Linux? - Super User
Startup Festival 2015 - One Idea, three StartUp ecosystems and YOU
An international startup festival/challenge
Silicon Drinkabout Munich - 3beards
How to convert between (most) audio formats in .NET - CodeProject
Great introduction to audio data processing. Not only for .net.
We have a problem with promises
Elastic textarea in IE is tiny when empty · Issue #58 · monospaced/angular-elastic · GitHub
Wohnbaugenossenschaft wagnis eG - Startseite
Alternative Wohnkonzepte in 140 neuen Wohnungen in Schwabing.
Alexa Rank – A Thorough Examination ::
Contains an "Alexa rank to monthly visitors" calculator
NSA-proof your e-mail in 2 hours
How to set up your own encrypted email server. The author claims that the result is actually better than Gmail!
Smoke Testing | Software Testing Fundamentals
Zach King Vine
Lots of entertaining vine clips of the "video magician" Zach King
Weltbild in Gefahr: Auftritt von Daniele Ganser an Uni in Witten | Telepolis
Der Kosovo-Krieg: Es begann mit einer Lüge - Deutschlands Weg in den Kosovo Krieg
Vijay Kumar: The future of flying robots | TED Talk
Five programming problems every Software Engineer should be able to solve in less than 1 hour - Shifted Up
Maybe good challenges to try when learning a new language.
Java vs. Scala: Why Should I Learn Scala? | Toptal
Some nice examples of how Scala can lead to much more concise code than Java.
TDD as if you Meant It | cumulativehypotheses
I haven't tried yet but it sounds like a nice exercise.
LuvSide - Vertikale Windkraftanlagen
Sieht vielversprechend aus!
COOLAR | Change the way of cooling!
They are building a fridge running only with solar thermal energy, so it doesn't need electricity.
Free alternative to AdBlock.
Nach Böhmermann jetzt also auch Kalkofe.
This 20-Second Video Summarizes 35 Years of the World's Economy
Didn't know that Japan's share of the world economy was (and is) so big.
Mandrill - Transactional Email from MailChimp
"Mandrill is a reliable, scalable, and secure delivery API for transactional emails from websites and applications. It's ideal for sending data-driven transactional emails, including targeted e-commerce and personalized one-to-one messages."
Auto-Dependency Generation | GNU make
Detects memory leaks in c/c++ programs
How to Set Keyword Bookmarks in Google Chrome
You can set up any website as a search engine in Chrome and add a keyword for it. For example: Searching for Chrome in Wikipedia can be as easy as typing "w chrome" in your address bar.
Hungarian mayor issues warning to refugees - YouTube
Wer den Wind sät: Was westliche Politik im Orient anrichtet | Amazon
Wer den Wind sät… Was westliche Politik im Orient anrichtet | Vortrag von Michael Lüders
Sehr sehenswerter Vortrag, auch wenn seine Ansichten nicht gänzlich unumstritten sind.
ScalaIO - George Leontiev - There's a prolog in your scala - YouTube
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Televangelists (HBO) - YouTube
Binomial Probabilities
Online calculator for binomial probabilities
Helder Guimarães: A magical search for a coincidence | TED Talk
Sturgeon's law
"Ninety percent of everything is crap."
Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action - Book
Christopher Soghoian: A brief history of phone wiretapping -- and how to avoid it | TED Talk
Vitalik Buterin reveals Ethereum at Bitcoin Miami 2014 - YouTube
Ethereum is live today!
Warum man keine Litecoins besitzen sollte › Coinblog
Legendärer Aufruf der NPD Trier zum Fackelmarsch
"A world without software patents would be better than the mess we're currently in."
IS - Die Wirtschaftsmacht der Gotteskrieger ARTE Doku 2015 german deutsch - YouTube
Wie Syrien stirbt - Doku zum unübersichtlichen Bürgerkrieg in Syrien
Rich Benjamin: My road trip through the whitest towns in America | TED Talk
Black guy telling about his experiences living in some of the whitest suburbs in the US.
Privacy Badger - Chrome Web Store
A browser extension blocking ad networks. This means not only the ads are hidden but your behaviour is not tracked. A Firefox version is also available.
Sowjetische Intervention - 1979 der Afghanistan Krieg verändert die Welt
Der Korea Krieg - Vorgeschichte und Verlauf
Abweisung wegen Facebook-Chat: Einreise-Verbot für deutsche Touristin offenbart Willkür der US-Behörden
Similar to $httpBackend in angular, but for jQuery.
Is there a difference between asking and telling?
Short blog post about how to best use methods like stub() and verify() for instance in Mockito.
Energiewende ins Nichts
Sinn kritisiert vor allem das Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz. Stattdessen sollte das Eindämmen des CO2 Ausstoßes über die Ausgabe von Zertifikaten geregelt werden.
Tap-House - Das Tor zur Bierwelt in deiner Stadt!
200 Craft-Biere, 45 davon gezapft.
Precht - Wann kommt der Kommunismus mit Sahra Wagenknecht
Sehr sehenswert! Precht stellt interessante Fragen aber Wagenknecht fehlt ganz offensichtlich die Fantasie, sich die Zukunft vorzustellen. Selbstfahrende Autos?
How Coca Cola Affects Your Body In 60 Minutes
David MacKay: A reality check on renewables | TED Talk |
Great talk about how much energy we are consuming, how much space we would need for renewable energy production if we replaced fossile energy and how we can save energy.
Jeremy Howard: The wonderful and terrifying implications of computers that can learn | TED Talk |
Includes an impressing demonstration of how fast computers learn to classify images.
Donald Hoffman: Do we see reality as it is?
Great entertaining and inspiring talk.
Annoyed By Mobile Sites That “Ask” You To Download Their App? You’re Not Alone
NSA-Affäre - Die deutsche Lethargie ist der wahre Skandal
Johann Hari: Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong
Isolating and blaming addicts doesn't work. Surprisingly only very few people who get heroin as a painkiller become addicted.
Jon Ronson: When online shaming spirals out of control
Horrible things can happen to people when a misunderstood tweet goes viral.
TechFounders - Tech startup accelerator program
Die Brez'n Bande
Party Riesenbrezen für Feste, Meetings & Events jeder Art
c++ - When should static_cast, dynamic_cast, const_cast and reinterpret_cast be used?
Angulartics | Web analytics for AngularJS applications
Supports Google Analytics, Piwik, and many many more..
Track Visits by Hour of the Day - Google Analytics Solutions Gallery
Custom Google Analytics report showing how your visitors are distributed among the hours of the day.
Diese Fakten über Griechenland solltest Du kennen - YouTube
Von Campact zusammengestellte Aussagen von Prominenten/Experten.
V-Mann Land - Spitzel im Staatsauftrag
Mal wieder was zum Staunen!
Der Vietnamkrieg - Doku 2015
c++ - What is The Rule of Three? - Stack Overflow
Great explanation of destructors, copy constructors and the assignment operator.
Hilarious old man skateboard prank leaves punk skaters with their mouths open!!!
Angularjs-styleguide by toddmotto
Another AngularJS styleguide
Marx Reloaded (arte Doku)
▶ Harry G über Starnberger See - YouTube
Stephan Schulmeister: Der Weg in die Depression
Ein österreichischer Ökonom über die verfehlte Rettungspolitik.
Projectile - Emacs extension
Most important feature: find files in project (automatically recognizes mercurial and git projects)
Staatsschulden - System außer Kontrolle - Arte Dokumentation
GNUzilla and IceCat
GNU version of Firefox with fingerprinting countermeasures
The JavaScript Trap
UNSERE SCHÖNEN DEUTSCHEN EUROS – Our precious German Euros // EUROPA 2015
Worst of Rainald Becker - YouTube
Und der Mann soll also ARD-Chefredakteur werden?
Coding Dojo Wiki: KataCatalogue
AngularJS Styleguide
Looks like a must-read for angular developers
Allows you to create very pretty CVs!
Let’s Code: Test-Driven JavaScript
RapidJSON - A fast JSON parser/generator for C++
Funsafe® - Ihr mobiles Schließfach!
Einfach genial!
Trevor Aaronson: How this FBI strategy is actually creating US-based terrorists
Some "terrorists" are actually persuaded by undercover agents to carry out an attack before they are arrested.
Dame Ellen MacArthur: The surprising thing I learned sailing solo around the world
Richard Dawkins - Militant Atheism - TED - YouTube
The World's Smallest Hydropower Plant | Blue Freedom
The Grid
Automatic website layout and color theme using artificial intelligence
The C++ 'const' Declaration: Why & How
Solopreneur - Buch
via Christopher
Best Practices for Designing a Pragmatic RESTful API | Vinay Sahni
Ricky Gervais - The Bible - YouTube
24 Apostroph's, bei denen du richtig aggressiv wirst
Sirius/Eye in the Sky (Alan Parsons Project) Arranged for Uke! - YouTube
CONDA Crowdinvesting | CONDA
Der britische Geheimdienst GCHQ soll Social-Media-Profile zu Zwecken der Propaganda gefälscht haben | WIRED Germany
Bushido CD verlohren!!!
Finnland hat das europaweit erste Grundeinkommens-Experiment beschlossen | Motherboard
c++ - using googletest in eclipse: how? - Stack Overflow
ReadingPack - Share and Read Articles Recommended by People with Similar Interests
Rather a social reading list than a social bookmarking tool.
Seems to be rather simple/limited with regard to how links can be organized. | Website Screenshot - Screenshot Service
PhantomJs Cloud | Browser API as a Service
Page2Images - Website Screenshot Generator & API
Screenshot machine
AWS | Amazon CloudFront CDN – Netzwerk für die Bereitstellung von Inhalten & Streaming
Faster delivery than with S3 when serving contents outside your region.
Jim Jefferies on Gun Ownership
"YOU CANNOT CHANGE THE 2ND AMENDMENT!" "Yes you can --- it's called an amendment."
“Does Test-Driven Development Really Improve Software Design Quality?
The authors come to the conclusion "that test-first programmers are more likely to write software in more and smaller units that are less complex and more highly tested".
Experiments - Articles
How to do experiments with Google Analytics
Afrika, der ausgeraubte Kontinent
Es geht im Wesentlichen um den multinationalen Konzern Glencore und dessen kriminelle Aktivitäten.
The Content Experiments Interface
Apparently you can do A/B tests with google analytics.
Java Virtual Machine Deep Dive - Talk by Daniel Mitterdorfer
FLUG MH17 | Auf der Suche nach der Wahrheit
Spannend scheint zu sein, dass man den Weg der BUK offenbar über Fotos aus sozialen Netzwerken rekonstruieren kann.
Mehrheit begrüßt Zusammenarbeit von BND und NSA
Integration Test Hell (slides by David Völkel)
Why most unit testing is waste
I disagree with so many arguments! At least I agree with his criticism of test metrics, i.e. incentivizing developers to get to a certain coverage. High coverage is great but it should not be the primary goal.
J.B. Rainsberger - Integrated Tests Are A Scam on Vimeo
Sunday Times Snowden Story is Journalism at its Worst
Looks like Glenn Greenwald was pretty angry when he wrote this. And I can understand it!
googletest - Google C++ Testing Framework
Überwachung ǀ Die letzten freien Menschen — der Freitag
Artikel über das Stück "Supernerds" der Regisseurin Angela Richter, das sich mit Überwachung beschäftigt.
Taiga.Io | Agile, Open Source, Free Project Management System
Take Me To Church Chords by Hozier @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com
Free Bookmark Manager | Fav-Links
A personal bookmarks manager (desktop application) + online service for syncing.
MediathekView - Download
Tool, um Vidoes aus Mediatheken lokal zu speichern.
Learn C++
Tower.js - Small components for building hardcore apps.
comSysto GmbH YouTube Channel
Videos of the Lightweight Java User Group Talks are posted here.
I quit the tech industry / fuzzy notepad
Archive of Our Own
"A fan-created, fan-run, non-profit, non-commercial archive for transformative fanworks, like fanfiction, fanart, fan videos, and podfic"
More Than Honey (2012) - IMDb
Bill Gross: The single biggest reason why startups succeed
Rocket Surgery Made Easy by Steve Krug: Usability Demo - YouTube
How A Complete Novice Learned User Testing In 10 Minutes
"A JavaScript library built to encourage a functional programming style & strategy."
Apache Cordova
"Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript"
The Counted: people killed by police in the United States in 2015
The guardian maintains a list of people killed by the US police.
Columbia University: Was geschah auf der Matratze? | ZEIT ONLINE
Die Anstalt | 26.05.15 | mit James BND & Frau M...
re:publica 2015 - M. C. McGrath: Watching the Watchers: Building a Sousveillance State
watched until 22:31
The Anti-Surveillance State: Clothes and Gadgets Block Face Recognition Technology, Confuse Drones and Make You (Digitally) Invisible | Alternet
Lantern - Find your way to a stronger self
DAHO.AM15 | Munich Developer Conference
Am I unique?
Calculates a browser fingerprint and tells you whether you can be tracked (without cookies)
URL2PNG - Plans
Delivers screenshots for URLs. 5000 per month for 29$
nullpointerexception - Avoiding "!= null" statements in Java?
Cross-window messaging with postMessage | JavaScript Tutorial
Rechtsanwälte gegen Totalüberwachung
Tender - It's how people meat
robotium - The world's leading Android™ test automation framework
Sustainable Hydropower | Aquakin
Freiheit statt Angst München - Demo am 15. Oktober 2015
A Package in a league of its own: Helm
Documentation of another great emacs package for incremental completion and selection.
EmacsWiki: Ido (Interactively Do Things)
Seems like I can achieve something like Eclipse's "Open Resource" with this extension.
Google hasn't crawled all my pages // Only a part of my Sitemap is Indexed
A few tips on how to increase the likelihood that Google crawls all the pages in your sitemap.
Munich MindTime Startup Buchhaltung und SAP Schnittstellentool
Buchhaltung für Startups. Von einem Münchner Startup.
You're not going to read this | The Verge
"We've found effectively no correlation between social shares and people actually reading"
How Content Curation Can Help Grow Your Business
How (and why) to share collections of organized and filtered content in contrast to sharing tons of articles you haven't even read yourself.
Abschied vom Singkreis: Gema verlangt Gebühren fürs Volkslieder-Singen |
Und ich dachte erst das ist vom Postillon...
You're Missing the Point of Promises
Good blog post explaining what promises are really about.
20 Snippets for Things You Never Thought were Possible with CSS
CodePen - CSS3 Checkbox Styles
Pure CSS checkbox styles.
Yasnippet - Yet another snippet extension (Emacs)
yasnippet documentation
Learning GNU Emacs
Überwachen und Sprache [30C3[preview]] - YouTube
Startup Extreme
How to Make the Windows Desktop Work Well on High-DPI Displays and Fix Blurry Fonts
Willkommen in München
Portal, das Informationen über die Flüchtlingshilfe in München bündelt.
Erik Brynjolfsson: Der Schlüssel zum Wachstum? Teamwork mit den Maschinen
Nick Bostrom: What happens when our computers get smarter than we are?
After watching the talk, I'm not really sure WHAT will happen. However, I'm pretty convinced THAT it will happen.
Richard Wilkinson: How economic inequality harms societies
There is a lot of evidence that very inequal societies tend to have much more problems (e.g. health and crime) than others.
Brian Beckman: Don't fear the Monad - YouTube
Explains functions, monoids and finally monads (at least the gist of it).
Scalaz for the Rest of Us at Yelp - YouTube
Die Schlachtordnung - Herbert-Riehl-Heyse-Preis 2015
Sehr lesenswerter Artikel über die Zustände in Niedersächsischen Schlachtbetrieben.
Apollo Robbins: The art of misdirection | Talk Video |
A pickpocket demonstrating how easy it is to misdirect attention.
Ähnliches Prinzip wie "Kuhhandel". Schnell erklärt, kompakt und etliche Erweiterungen. Macht Spaß!
Your webserver might be vulnerable to attacks if it combines HTTP compression and SSL secured connections.
How to Manually create an Apache Windows Service - Stack Overflow
Run as admin: httpd.exe -k install -n "Apache 2.4"
Encode html entities in javascript - Stack Overflow
Die Lobby-Republik: Wer in Deutschland die Strippen zieht: Hans-Martin Tillack: Bücher
Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products: Nir Eyal
Fast read, but nevertheless a great book! It goes just as much into depth as required to enable you to apply the techniques presented to your own product.
Hooked Author Nir Eyal - Behavior Engineering and Business Psychology Blog
ToxFox-App – kostenlos Kosmetika testen - (BUND)
The art of throwing JavaScript errors | NCZOnline
Do Not Track S01E01
Interactive documentary about online tracking
Online programming competitions.
How to Create a Chrome Extension in 10 Minutes Flat
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Wealth Gap (HBO)
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Death Penalty
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Drones (HBO) - YouTube
▶ Why we choose suicide | Mark Henick | TEDxToronto - YouTube
URI Escaping and – Subbu Allamaraju
Lunatech Blog: What every web developer must know about URL encoding
URL encoding the space character: + or %20? - Stack Overflow
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Government Surveillance (HBO)
Miegakure: A 4D puzzle-platforming game.
GNU social
Like a federated Twitter?
49 Maps That Explain The USA For Dummies
xkcd: Password Strength
LMU-Studie über Haltung von Schweinen - Sü
Bio-Schweinen geht es viel besser, aber das Fleisch ist doppelt so teuer.
How to use MongoDB as a pure in-memory DB
How to make mongodb use a tmpfs drive to speed up write operations (for instance in tests). Linux only.
How to Unlock Your 'Not Provided' Keywords in Google Analytics
lodash - A JavaScript utility library
Tons of helper functions, e.g. for working with arrays.
angularjs - Service vs provider vs factory?
AngularJS 1.x WGW (What Goes Where) guide
Short Cheat-Sheet telling you where to put which kind of code in angular.
Der erste Mitarbeiter: Personal Einstellen Im Mikro- Und Kleinunternehmen
Mein erster Mitarbeiter: Fest oder frei. Arbeitsrecht für Existenzgründer
Gonzales: solo piano, Notebook vol.1 -- 9 Klavierstücke [Musiknoten]
xkcd: Ontological Argument
The Web API Checklist — 43 Things To Think About When Designing, Testing, and Releasing your API | Mathieu Fenniak
Testing Promises with Jasmine
MoID - Networking made easy.
App that remembers who you met at a networking event.
Jongo {mongo-java-driver: 'with ease'}
Allows you to write mongo queries in a readable way: as a string!
Master's Thesis Felix Michel
Building Successful Online Communities: Evidence-Based Social Design
Hans Rosling and the magic washing machine - TED
Very entertaining!
Kalkofes Mattscheibe Rekalked - Blind Date mit Fogeschäden
Einfach nur verstörend...
40 Maps That Explain The Middle East
Amazing collection of maps covering the past and the present of the middle east as well as its countries.
An Unconventional Review of React
Hans Rosling: Religions and babies
We have already reached "Peak Child" and the world's population will not exceed 10 billion. Number of childs per woman is not correlated to religion.
Wealth Inequality in America
Impressing visualization of how people think wealth is distributed compared to the actual situation.
How To Avoid Losing Users After The First Visit
"No Thanks; We're Too Busy"
Das erste Parlament in der EU, das sich offen gegen den amerikanischen Überwachungsstaat stellt -
Founders fight night -the toughest pitching competition in town
Munich Tech & Media Startup Meetup - Meetup
Nice casual meetup group. Every six weeks in a bar in Munich.
Munich Startup Founder 101 (München) - Meetup
Micropreneur Meetup Munich (München) - Meetup
Hexagonal Architecture
Extensive explanation of the concept by Chris Fidao
Lean Startup München (Munich) - Meetup
How Slack Became the Fastest Growing B2B SaaS Business (Maybe) Ever - Job-Börse für Studenten und Studentenjobs (München/Hamburg)
Web + Aushang: 249 EUR
Radikales Kunstexperiment als Protest gegen Drohnen
Eine Ratte wird 11 Tag lang von Webcams beobachtet. Anschließend kann jemand über das Internet den Abzug betätigen. Ob das wohl jemand macht?
Scotty - Zu dir passende IT-Jobangebote von Top-Unternehmen
Why We Need Free Digital Hardware Designs | WIRED
Die Spur der Troika - Das Erste
Eine (wirklich gute) Einführung in Maven
Heiner Flassbeck: Europa braucht einen Neuanfang
Das Grundproblem Europas aus seiner Sicht: Die deutschen Löhne sind zu niedrig.
Add Rules to Stylesheets with JavaScript
Kalkofes Mattscheibe Rekalked | Ekelerregende Demo - YouTube
Ist das die Stuttgarter Version von Pegida?
The nitty-gritty of compile and link functions inside AngularJS directives
ARD-Doku: Putins Volk - Wohin wollen die Russen?
Facebook Reinstates Image Of Woman In Bathtub – After Apparently Mistaking Elbows For Nipples
10minutes – einfach. clever. beraten.
Vision is similar to Tagpacker's vision.
Besitz eines Flugsimulators als "verdächtiges Verhalten"? | Telepolis
Share extensions in iOS 8: Explained | iMore
Leading Entrepreneurs mit 30 Start-ups
Die Fukushima-Lüge, Doku - YouTube
Doku über Korruption bei Tepco und die aktuellen Risiken, die vom zerstörten Kraftwerk ausgehen.
Die Mondverschwörung
Eine Reihe von Interviews mit deutschen Verschwörungstheoretikern. Chemtrails, Hohlerde, Nazis auf dem Mond... Offenbar alles dabei :-)
Turn a Raspberry Pi Into an Ad Blocker with a Single Command
Inside Adam Savage's Cave: Awesome Robot Spider!
AstroTV Hack
Ein Clown schleicht sich bei AstroTV ein und fordert den Entzug der Sendelizenz.
Social bookmarking tool with freemium business model
Jobs ::
Forum der LMU Informatiker
Jobbörse StepStone − Jobs und Stellenangebote
Stellenausschreibung Praktikanten/Studenten: 49 EUR, Normal: ab 725 EUR
Karrieros, IT Jobs, IT Jobbörse, Stellenangebote in der IT Branche
Stellenangebot Praktikum/Ausbildung: 150 EUR, Normal: 750 EUR Jobbörse, Jobsuchmaschine
Stellenausschreibung ab 195 EUR - Jobbörse mit täglich aktuellen Jobs und Stellenanzeigen
Jobbö Jobs und Stellenangebote
Stellenausschreibung Ausbildung/Praktikum: 80 EUR. Voll 795 EUR. - Stellenanzeige schalten
Vor allem in den USA populär. Fallender Trend.
2. Crowdfunding Night - 11.02.2015
Mittwoch 19 Uhr im Hub
JSON Formatter & Validator
kulinado | Einfach gesund mittagessen
Liefert gesundes Essen aus Münchner Restaurants an Unternehmern, die keine Kantine haben.
Monkey-Patching, Overriding, and Decorating Methods in JavaScript
Das Kapital im 21. Jahrhundert
GUNKL über Wüsten-Religionen, Wissen, Respekt und Kränkungen
Sehr unterhaltsamer Angriff auf alle Religionen und den oft zu verständnisvollen Umgang mit ihnen.
Joachim Gauck im ZDF Sommerinterview 2013 über Prism - YouTube
Das Interview, mit dem sich Gauck 2013 völlig disqualifiziert hat, was die Debatte zum Thema Überwachung angeht.
Stasi versus NSA
Wie große wäre die Fläche, die von Aktenschränken bedeckt wäre, würde man alle bei der NSA gespeicherten Daten ausdrucken?
Kalkofes Mattscheibe Rekalked | Superscheisse Wetter
Sehr origineller RTL-Wetterbericht
Kalkofes Mattscheibe Rekalked | Pirincci wütet - YouTube
Akif Pirincci lässt sich über grün-versiffte Politik und Kindersex-Parteien aus.
Kalkofes Mattscheibe Rekalked | Claudias Vertrag
Claudia Effenberg soll Second Hand Klamotten tragen. Das ist wirklich menschenunwürdig!
ScheduleOnce - Online meeting and appointment scheduling software
Stop Using Mocks - A Rebuttal
The original URL doesn't work anymore, so this is a google doc.
Stop Using Mocks
The author advocates the use of stubs instead.
SEO: Ist die Zeit sprechender Links vorbei?
Wenn man die Kommentare zum Artikel liest, dann eher nicht.
Sniply: URL-Shortener with embedded links back to your page
In principle it shows the target page in an iframe but it looks a bit nicer..
Sushi: The Global Catch
Christian Lindner wird wütend
Ein SPD-Abgeordneter macht sich über Christian Lindners gescheiterte Unternehmung lustig. Daraufhin lässt dieser mal Dampf ab.
A kind of publishing tool for "everyday experts" allowing them to earn money with ads and affiliate links.
The Go Programming Language
A lightweight, functional, and open source programming language
URL Decoder/Encoder
How to Start a Startup - YouTube
Video lectures by Sam Altman, Dustin Moskovitz and several other guest speakers. Don't press the play button on the image. It doesn't work ;-) Click the title.
All possible C# array initialization syntaxes - Stack Overflow
Particularly handy for creating instances of IEnumerable: new[] {1, 2, 3}
TTIP - Kommerz statt Kultur? | BR Mediathek
Visual Caffeine
Light that makes you more productive. Munich startup.
Strings UNDOCUMENTED - CodeProject
Explains how to change the contents of a string in .NET (among other things).
Probino - Das Weinseminar für zuhause, Weine kaufen, Weinprobe
Kifi • Connecting People with Knowledge
Judge Jeanine Pirro: We Need to Kill Them!
This is not MY opinion, ok?
Japan Trend Shop | Super Gorone Desk - Use a Computer Lying Down
Jessa Gamble: Our natural sleep cycle
403 Forbidden vs 401 Unauthorized HTTP responses - Stack Overflow
A Complete, Interactive History of Bitcoin
Sailing Seas of Plastic - Interactive Data Visualisation
Bundesrichter: Sind die Terroristen nun Feinde oder Bürger? | ZEIT ONLINE
Sehr lesenswerter Artikel!
Social Media Strategie für Unternehmen | Claudia Hilker | Claudia Hilker
Grundrecht auf Verschlüsselung? CR 1997, 106
Cryptowars: De Maizière will Verschlüsselung knacken | ZEIT ONLINE
Can't Sleep? How I learned to Fall Asleep in 1 Minute | Hiit Blog
SWEATSHOP - Dead cheap fashion
Great documentary! Three norwegian fashion bloggers go to Cambodia to see how their clothes are made.
25 Advertisements That Were Found At Very Wrong Places
TNW Europe Conference 2015
TokuMX™ for MongoDB
High-performance MongoDB distribution with transactions.
The growing irrelevance of MongoDB
CQRS - Command Query Responsibility Segregation
Functional Programming in Scala
Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software - Eric Evans
SoCraTes 2015 - 5th International Software Craftsmanship and Testing Conference
27-30 August 2015, Soltau, Germany
Investitionen in Hamburg seit 2011 auf einer Karte.
Münchner Technologiezentrum - MTZ
A JavaScript library for building user interfaces | React
Bundlr - Bookmark and discover amazing content
Kalkofes Mattscheibe Rekalked | Ola Brasil - Ola Brasil! - YouTube
Free Software Foundation — working together for free software
3min explanation of free software.
SEOCert Website Analyzer, SEO Tool to Diagnose Search Engine Optimization Performance
Checks the SEO rank of your page and lists several measures to improve your rank.
Z Test Calculator for 2 Population Proportions
Ansible is Simple IT Automation
... deployment and configuration management.
Befallen vom Überwachungsvirus |
David McCandless: The beauty of data visualization | Talk Video |
Skilift Monte Kienader
Skihang zum lernen nahe München.
Rainald Grebe - Silvester
Nicht ganz "30-Jährige Pärchen", geht aber in die Richtung :-)
Simon Pearce - Das böse N-Wort | Vereinsheim Schwabing
Impact Hub | Munich
"Münchens Raum für eine Community, die unternehmerisch und gemeinwohlorientiert arbeitet." Starter-Tarif: 180 EUR pro Teammitglied und Monat. Implerstraße.
THE FOUNDERS HUB || Angebote || Offices
Fixer Arbeitsplatz ab 280 EUR pro Monat. Möblierte Büros in verschiedenen Größen auf Anfrage. Am Petuelring.
Vom Untergang des Abendlandes kann „Bild“ ein Liedchen singen — BILDblog
Konkretes Beispiel, das zeigt, wie BILD gezielt Stimmung gegen den Islam macht.
Droht eine Islamisierung des Abendlandes? Mit welchen Tricks gezielt Ängste geschürt werden
Designing MongoDB Schemas with Embedded, Non-Embedded and Bucket Structures
Was Google mächtig und uneinholbar für die Konkurrenz macht
"ISLAMISCHER STAAT" – 7 Eindrücke einer schwierigen Reise - Jürgen Todenhöfer
Selbstdatenschutz & digitale Selbstverteidigung: Verschlüsseln & Datenschutz in Eigenregie
Semicolons in JavaScript are optional
The author argues that it is not a problem to omit them, not that you necessarily should.
"Lügenpresse" trifft Pegida 18.12.2014 ARD Panorama
Panorama interviewt Pegida-Anhänger.
The dark side of the web -- exploring darknets | Kyle Terry | TEDxSalem - YouTube
Chuck Norris - parody Van Damme Volvo commercial - YouTube
Seven Concurrency Models in Seven Weeks: When Threads Unravel
Seven Databases in Seven Weeks: A Guide to Modern Databases and the NoSQL Movement
Seven Languages in Seven Weeks: A Pragmatic Guide to Learning Programming Languages
Liste von freien Alternativen zu proprietären Browsern, Betriebssystemen, Social Networks, etc..
Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know By Year
Play Framework Constructs: Func-tastic ways of Slicing and Dicing Play
Much too fast and hard to follow in the second part
Why Scala? a hilarious Indian guy
Entertaining talk explaining that advantages of Scala over Java
The Play Framework at LinkedIn: Productivity and Performance at Scale
Implement "graceful shutdown" · Issue #1789 · playframework/playframework · GitHub
ReactiveMongo is a scala driver that provides fully non-blocking and asynchronous I/O operations.
PDFJoin! - Join PDF files online for free.
A long list of sex acts just got banned in UK porn - UK - News - The Independent
Catherine Crump: The small and surprisingly dangerous detail the police track about you
The US police uses hightech surveillance gear. | Ihre Businesscenter im Herzen Münchens
15m² Büro ab 425 EUR. Am Ostbahnhof. Nicht möbliert.
Wir Lieben Überwachung - YouTube
Surveillance Chess / Video / !Mediengruppe Bitnik
Hijacking surveillance cameras - Why Tagpacker?
Codename: Linux - Dokumentarfilm - YouTube
Claims to be a very powerful social bookmarking solution. Looks like it focuses on the personal start page / dashboard.
Curate your World — Urlist
A social bookmarking tool from Berlin (formerly Italy) that shuts down at 31st of december 2014
Ionic: Advanced HTML5 Hybrid Mobile App Framework
Configuring Karma with RequireJS
Introduction to RequireJS - RequireJS Video Tutorial
Do they know it's Scheiße? Campino & Band Aid 30 - - NEO MAGAZIN mit Jan Böhmermann
PIRATE BAY Die größte illegale Tauschbörse und Ihr Ende Doku Deutsch - YouTube
Elizabeth Lesser: Take "the Other" to lunch | Talk Video |
Xaffee - The home of your links.
A feed reader and bookmarking tool.
Russlands Präsident Putin exklusiv im ARD Interview - YouTube
CodeRush - Visual Studio Extension
With duplicate code detection
Visual Assist -
A Visual Studio Extension for C/C++ and C#
Daily Kalk 74 - TV-Gericht: Kekswichsbetrug - YouTube
Mal wieder ein Klassiker :-D
U.S. Justice Department official says encrypted iPhones could mean 'a child would die'
How to Open the Windows Command Prompt from any Folder
I knew it was possible somehow...
html5 - How do search engines deal with AngularJS applications? - Stack Overflow
TinyPNG – Compress PNG images while preserving transparency
I tested it with the Tagpacker background PNG file but I could clearly see that colors had been changed.
Fontello - icon fonts generator
Make a font file that contains only the icons you need (e.g. from font-awesome)
Rezept für eine Lachs-Spinatrolle | Low-Carb-Ernährung
Why we should give everyone a basic income | TED-Talk
Form validation with AngularJS | ng-newsletter
Zulässigkeit der Änderung von AGB
Haas&Hahn: How painting can transform communities | Talk Video |
Str8ts - Der Sudoku-Nachfolger als Online-Spiel
Sojoco luxuriöses Hunde-Hochzeitskleid aus eierschalenweißer Seide
YouTube video download as MP3, simple and free -
Unfortunately there are annoying ad popus on the page...
Digitale Startups: Neue Impulse für die Welt – eine interkulturelle Diskussion
Hafninger Weiderind
Hier kann man 5kg Pakete Fleisch direkt vom Erzeuger bestellen.
Paolo Cardini: Forget multitasking, try monotasking
Richard David Precht und Prof. Thomas Metzinger; Hirnforschung und Wahrnehmung - YouTube
How To Work from Home Without Going Insane
The Cubli: a cube that can jump up, balance, and 'walk' - YouTube
SnoopWall - Privacy for Smartphones (among other things)
Unfortunately not open source as it seems but at least they make an open source flashlight app ;-)
InVision - Free Web & Mobile (iOS, Android) Prototyping and UI Mockup Tool
Bundestagskandidatin Rebecca Hummel: "Denn Rot schmeckt gut" - YouTube
Eine Frage drängt sich auf.... Nein! Sie hat es leider nicht in den Bundestag geschafft.
A science award that makes you laugh, then think | TED-Talk
Jeremy Heimans: What new power looks like - TED Talk
How technology affects society and markets
8 tips for creating the perfect pitch deck (from someone who's raised $75M)
The Best Startup Pitch Decks
AngularJS browser autofill workaround by using a directive
ShaoLan: Learn to read Chinese ... with ease! | Talk Video |
SaaS Metrics - A Guide to Measuring and Improving What Matters | For Entrepreneurs
Airbnb's first pitch deck - Business Insider
The first pitch deck of AirBNB
The Ultimate Pitch Deck to Raise Money for Startups - Forbes
A pitch deck template and several tips and guidelines from the founder and CEO of
Tips: The Tools - Ten Tips for Perfecting Your Pitch
6 Steps to the Perfect Pitch
Some things to keep in mind when pitching to investors
AutoHotkey: macro and automation Windows scripting language
Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests - Steve Freeman, Nat Pryce
THE book about mockist TDD.
Sushi Jil & Wok - Sushi-Lieferdienst in München
Carponizer erotischer Karpfenkalender 2015
Für alle, die noch ein Weihnachtsgeschenk für einen Angler brauchen. Soooo schöne Fische!
GEFU Spiralschneider Spirelli 13460: Küche & Haushalt
Strongly typing ID values in C# - Stack Overflow
Someone has made fake London Underground signs, and whoever did it is a ruddy genius - Prosign
7 Questions That Entrepreneurs Must Be Prepared to Answer
Disputed Territories - Google Maps shows borders as seen in your country
To which country belongs crimea? It depends on where you are.
How Much Coffee You Need Is a Genetic Trait
Good2Go App - The Mobile App for sexual consent
Just watch the videos at the bottom. It's amazing!
Beyondpad Notes
Notetaking tool that REALLY focuses on organizing your notes!
Kirchensteuer auf Abgeltungsteuer - BZSt-Portal: Internetauftritt des Bundeszentralamtes für Steuern
Das ist mal richtig spannend!!
Kirchensteuer bei Gewinnausschüttungen ab 1.1.2015
Kompaktere Zusammenfassung der Problematik als auf den offiziellen Seiten des BZSt
Munchee - Gesundes Convenience Food zum Liefern in München
Johannes Link: ClasspathSuite
Allows to separate your unit tests in suites by class. For instance you might want to run all but the slow tests (which inherit from a certain class).
Goodbye Delicious, hello Pinboard: why we'll pay for internet plumbing | Technology |
Polizei NRW Rap - YouTube
Inspiriert von der Sparda-Bank?
No, I am not interested in joining your proprietary social network - mathew's web site
Blog post arguing that we need federated and open social networks (like diaspora).
Harry G über die Maß
Harry G über Weißwürscht - How to Weißwurst
Towards an immutable domain model – introduction (part 1) » Zilverblog
Des Traynor — The language of software: the role of content strategy in software development on Vimeo
Die Essensfälscher: Was uns die Lebensmittelkonzerne auf die Teller lügen - Thilo Bode - Bücher
HUGit | Discover, Organize & Share the Web
A new social bookmarking service from Munich.
Heimatshorts - Boxershorts / Stadtunterhosen mit 100% Heimatgefühl
Mein Grundeinkommen
Mein Grundeinkommen" sammelt per Crowdfunding Geld für ein Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen. Immer wenn 12.000€ zusammen sind, werden sie an eine Person ausgelost.
Asynchronous Programming in Play 2.0
Since it is in github you must click "view raw" to see the actual pdf
pEp - pretty Easy privacy | Indiegogo
Crowdfunding project aiming to make encrypted communication the default (at least much easier...).
PeteNetLive - Windows Server 2012 - Secure RDP Access with Certificates
In the last part it says how you can see which certificate is used for encrypting remote desktop access.
Hans and Ola Rosling: How not to be ignorant about the world |
Important facts about the world that we don't know. Very entertaining talk.
Ukraine: Demokratie mit Hindernissen - Teil 2/2 - YouTube
10,000 Top Passwords
Not up to date but I doubt that it has changed much.
CETA: An assault on democracy - YouTube
Nice explanation why CETA should be stopped and how it relates to TTIP.
Bekannte Pitch Decks, die sich jeder einmal ansehen sollte -
Git How To: Guided Git Tutorial
Ukraine: Demokratie mit Hindernissen - Teil 1/2 - YouTube
FuckUpNights: Gründer erzählen ihr Scheitern - SPIEGEL ONLINE
A new social bookmarking tool. You can tag and categorize links and organize them into channels.
The Clean Code Talks - Inheritance, Polymorphism, & Testing
How to improve your code by replacing if statements with polymorphism.
The Pragmatic Programmer. From Journeyman to Master
The Clean Code Talks - Don't Look For Things!
Nice explanation of the law of Demeter and how it relates to testing. A bit lengthy at times.
TrueCrypt-Nachfolger: VeraCrypt – Vollverschlüsselung für sensible Daten -
12 Lessons Steve Jobs Taught Guy Kawasaki
Schnelles Denken, langsames Denken - Daniel Kahneman
Wie unsere unwillkürlichen Urteile ständig unser Denken beeinflussen. Enthält etliche spannende Beispiele typischer Denkfehler.
19 Ways Growth Hackers Acquire Customers
Getting traction is as important as developing your product.
Tox: A New Kind of Instant Messaging
Another secure messenger. Seems to be open source and decentral. Looks promising! Could become a real alternative to Skype.
„Hier arbeitet niemand für ein deutsches Gehalt“: Über das Gründen in San Francisco
Interview mit einem deutschen Gründer in San Francisco
Guy Kawasaki: The Top 10 Mistakes of Entrepreneurs - YouTube
Very entertaining and motivating talk.
It's a plastic world - English on Vimeo
Open WhisperSystems - TextSecure Messenger
Looks like a real alternative to proprietary Threema
Crypto Fails — Telegram's Cryptanalysis Contest
Why the Telegram messenger is less secure than it could be.
Überwachung der Welt - Ilija Trojanow bei Pelzig
.Net vs Java - YouTube
Don't watch unless you know what Java and .NET means. Otherwise it's not funny ;-)
USB-Kondome sind gut für Euch. Kauft 100! - AndroidPIT
Smartphones sicher an fremden USB-Buchsen aufladen.
ZDF Frontal21-Doku: Die große Samwer-Show
Sehr einseitig, aber dennoch sehenswert.
NSA-Skandal: ICREACH durchsucht Hunderte Milliarden Kommunikationsdaten
Ganz offensichtlich geht es hier nicht mehr um Terrorabwehr oder seit wann bekämpft die DEA (US Drogenvollzugsbehörde) Terroristen?
Drohnenland: Kriminalroman
linkroll - collaborative web bookmarks and link blogs
Simple social bookmarking website. All links are public. They say it is for "link blogs"
No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State - by Glenn Greenwald
Hape Kerkeling - Kleingärtner Riko Mielke - YouTube
Vom Bierbauch zum Waschbrettbauch - Freeletics in München
Trendsport für Masochisten
Hape Kerkeling - Weihnachten abschaffen - Rico Mielke - YouTube
Ich war 18 Jahre lang im Knast -- war ich Gefängnisfriseur. Sie müssen mir nicht erzählen wie das Leben geht.
LiveBinders - Organize your resources in an online binder
Links are in hierarchical tabs. Looks outdated but is still active.
Preiskampf - Was ist unser Essen wert? - ARTE Doku
Milch, Getreide, Fisch... Relativ allgemeine Doku. Subventionen spielen eine große Rolle.
Betas - Staffel 1- Amazon Instant Video
');o.close()}(document))" ADD_DATE="1408695623290" TAGS="bookmarklet,Piece of Software,Javascript,IT & Software,Useful Utility,Web Applications" PRIVATE="0">YSlow - Official Open Source Project Website
On this page they describe how to install a javascript bookmarklet in a mobile browser.
Jacob Appelbaum - Free software for freedom, surveillance and you
Rather technical. Don't watch if you don't know what "Debian" means.
Automatic Case Palletizing
Amazing! How many humans operate this place?
Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action
Simon Sinek's seminal TED talk. "People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it." What you do only proves why you do it.
Getwapps - organize and share bookmarks!
Online bookmarks manager allowing to share lists of links. Links seem to be organized as tiles on tabs.
DMOZ - Bookmark Managers
Another list of social bookmarking tools...
Listango - Save and share your bookmarks online
Basic online bookmarks manager featuring a read it later list and flat folders.
PageRank Checker
Gives you the page rank of a domain together with some other related metrics.
Shocking Before and After Fitness Transformation in 5 Hours EXPOSED!
How to fake incredible transformations of your body
Wem gehört die Stadt? (Doku)
Bookie - Open source bookmarking
Another open source replacement for delicious
Richard Stallman's TEDx video: "Introduction to Free Software and the Liberation of Cyberspace"
Mexican Tears® - Scharfe Sauce mit gutem Geschmack - Jetzt online bestellen
Gesehen bei "Die Höhle des Löwen". Noch nicht probiert.
Wirtschaftswachstum: Die unerwiderte Liebe der Menschen zum Kapitalismus - Feuilleton - FAZ
An open source bookmarking tool that you can host yourself
Humans Need Not Apply - YouTube
All of us will be replaced by robots sooner or later...
angularjs - How do you mock directives to enable unit testing of higher level directive? - Stack Overflow
It is possible to mock directives, too!
AngularJS Unit Testing - For Real, Though - Quick Left Boulder Colorado
Markpond -
Looks like a small pinboard clone.
Simon Sinek: Why good leaders make you feel safe | Talk Video |
Kevin Briggs: The bridge between suicide and life | Talk Video |
Aktien Renditedreieck | Deutsches Aktieninstitut
Wertentwicklung des DAX über 50 Jahre.
My Post-Delicious Plans (And Why It Won't Include Diigo) [Updated]
Hack Education
50+ productivity blogs - Better Productivity Blog
Edward Snowden: The Untold Story | Threat Level | WIRED - Discover, Blink & Share
Another social bookmarking website that doesn't offer a lot of information about itself.
Social Bookmarking platform that has already been shut down.
A website allowing you to collect lists of links. You don't have to sign up. This one is based in Sweden.
Spaaze - Collect, Organize, Share
Bookmarking platform that allows you to organize "anything" on a large board that can also be shared with others. - Visual bookmarking made easy
Private bookmarks manager displaying links as tiles on tabs. Tags are supported, too.
Richard Wilkinson: How economic inequality harms societies
Above a certain GDP/capita there is no correlation between the GDP/capita and health and social problems. Instead, these problems correlate with the inequality in the society.
The Ocean Cleanup, developing technologies to extract, prevent and intercept plastic pollution
Crowdfunding project aiming to clean up the plastic pollution in the oceans.
Pretty confusing bookmarks manager claiming that it helps you to clean up huge tag clouds.
Free service to organize and share your bookmarks. They are organized in tabs and in boxes within the tabs.
The Pitchforks Are Coming… For Us Plutocrats - Nick Hanauer - POLITICO Magazine
Yasheng Huang: Does democracy stifle economic growth? | Talk Video |
China outperforms India in terms of economic growth not because of the political system but because of human capital with regard to literacy and life expectancy.
Versuchslabor Armut
Russell Foster: Why do we sleep?
Excellent talk! If you need an alarm clock to get up in the morning, you are not getting enough sleep.
Disappearing Ball Trick: Juggling Tutorial 36 - YouTube
Nice yo-yo variation | pretty easy privacy
Hardware box that encrypts and stores your emails. Crowdfunding project on indiegogo.
Mails einfach Verschlüsseln – Ideen aus der Open-Source-Welt @ IT:Agenten GmbH
Winter 42/43 -- Kriegswende in Hitler Deutschland
Der geplünderte Staat - YouTube
Sehr sehenswerte Doku über Public Private Partnerships. Es gibt auch eine längere Version, die auf Arte ausgestrahlt wurde.
Gefährliche Geheimnisse - Wie USA und EU den Freihandel planen
ARD - #TTIP - Der große Deal - Geheimakte Freihandelsabkommen - 4.8.2014 - YouTube
Der Staatstrojaner in dreieinhalb Minuten
A sandstone block built from lego, blending real objects with 3d prints on Vimeo
Amazing what you can do with 3D printers. The lego bricks piece looks awesome!
Pretty popular Social bookmarking service for professionals striving for more visibility. Insofar it is similar to Tagpacker. Founded by frenchmen but the company is located in San Francisco now. The server appears to be located in Paris.
Wibki - Unlock the Web: A Homepage for your Bookmarks!
Social bookmarks manager that tracks your browsing behaviour. Seems like it is meant for organizing whole websites instead of individual articles or videos.
ZDF: Die Anstalt vom 29. April 2014
Die vom ZDF aus der Mediathek entfernte Folge. Es lebe der Streisand-Effekt :-)
Fiverr: Graphics, marketing, fun, and more online services for $5
People offer things they can do for you via the web for 5$.
daPulse - Your company's growth made easy
Managing tasks in a team...
Meinung: Suchmaschinen müssen neutral bleiben | Technology Review
Kommentar zum "Recht auf Vergessen" im Internet.
Increase Online Sales and Leads with Top Affiliate Programs
Looks like skimlinks. Haven't checked it yet.
(Doku) - WikiLeaks - Geheimnisse und Lügen - YouTube
Öffentliche "Einwegeimailadressen", wie
Scientists reconstruct speech through soundproof glass by watching a bag of potato chips | The Verge
Absolutely amazing! As they show later it even works to some extent with a normal consumer camera capturing only 60 frames per second.
Volker Pispers über die USA und ihre Kriege (2004) - YouTube
Immer noch sehr sehenswert, auch wenn es schon zehn Jahre her ist.
How to get a busy person to respond to your email
Steve Jobs Think different / Crazy ones speech - YouTube
Steve Jobs explains Apple's new marketing strategy in 1997. What is Apple's core value? Apple believes that people with passion can change the world for the better.
Edelmarken zum Hungerlohn - YouTube
Offenbar reicht es nicht, nicht bei Kik oder C&A zu kaufen. Boss, Armani und Tommy Hilfiger produzieren teilweise in denselben Fabriken, zumindest in Bangladesch.
Facebook Debugger
Allows you to examine how the facebook scraper sees your content.
How to force Facebook to re-scrape your URL | Ivete Tecedor
Optimizing for Facebook Share Preview - Gregg Hilferding :)
This is from 2009 but I think it is still relevant.
American Collapse - Furcht und Hoffnung am Ende einer Ära - YouTube
Wie sich einige Amerikaner auf einen vermeintlich bevorstehenden Kollaps des Systems vorbereiten.
Innenansichten: Deutschland 1937
Doku über eine US-amerikanische Nazi-Doku aus dem Jahr 1937.
Obama Land ist abgebrannt? Zustand einer Supermacht - YouTube
Bits & Pretzels - Gründerfrühstück in München
München Tech & Media Founders Meetup
Büroräume in München Ost | Friendsfactory
Büros ab 490 EUR. Nähe Ostbahnhof.
Worklabs - Coworking in Schwabing
Möblierte Einzel- und Teambüros sowie Coworking-Space. U-Bahn alte Heide. Gerade (01/2015) alle Teambüros belegt.
coworking knorr69 | Bürohaus Knorr69
Business Center und Büroräume in München - Regus Deutschland
Coworking - WERK1 München
Combinat56 - Die Bürogemeinschaft in München
Amazing Horse | 10 Hours - YouTube
Amazing 2.000.000 views.... By the way: hour 8 is the best, be sure to watch it until the end ;-)
Daily Kalk 25 - Daily Abschaum - YouTube
"Und wer bist Du?" "Ich bin die Tochter von mei'm Vater!" Immer wieder gut...
▶ How to write a good essay - YouTube
Nice design. Bookmarks organized in lists. Bookmarks may be public or private. Paid accounts are discontinued (the founders moved on...).
Focuses on the structured organization of links. Tags can be grouped in tag packs. The best social bookmarking tool ever! ;-)
browser - How to have favicon / icon set when bookmarklet dragged to toolbar? - Stack Overflow
Unser Krieg - Afghanistan / Doku ZDF
Unser Krieg 2 - Afghanistan / Doku ZDF
29 Optical Illusions That Will Seriously Mess With Your Mind | Diply
Focuses on automatically recommending relevant content to the users. Recommendations are based on user ratings.
Social bookmarking platform focusing on news and discussions on these news.
Malte Spitz: Your phone company is watching | Talk Video |
Metadaten: Wie dein unschuldiges Smartphone fast dein ganzes Leben an den Geheimdienst übermittelt |
Ein Niederländer macht ein Experiment, in dem er die über sein Smartphone gesammelten Metadaten veröffentlich. Vergleichbar mit Malte Spitz.
Schlaflos im Krieg - Die pharmazeutische Waffe
Doku über den Einsatz von Methamphetamin (heute bekannt als Crystal Meth) im zweiten Weltkrieg und danach.
Somalia - Land ohne Gesetz
Sehr eindrucksvolle Doku mitten aus einem Kriegsgebiet.
Social Bookmarking Sites With High Page Rank - Crowdsourced List
No tags, just lists. Users can collaboratively work on lists, i.e. vote and suggest new entries.
Communications protocol for sending encrypted messages in a peer-to-peer network. In a nutshell: You send the encrypted message to everybody, but only those with the key can open it. More information in the short but informative whitepaper. Adopts several ideas from bitcoin.
Schweine für den Müll - Warum es zu viel Fleisch gibt
Bis zum letzten Fang - Das Geschäft mit dem Fisch
Von der Überfischung des Mittelmeers bis zu Kinder- und Sklavenarbeit bei der Shrimpsproduktion in Asien.
reddit: the front page of the internet
Increasingly popular website that allows to post and vote on public links.
Pinboard: social bookmarking for introverts
Requires a one time sign-up fee. Does not stress the social aspect very much.
Social bookmarking for learning contents. - A Web-Based Bookmark Manager. - Member Server
Apparently this website is really from 1999!
Diigo - Better reading and research with annotation, highlighter, sticky notes, archiving, bookmarking & more.
Bookmarking tool allowing to annotate content and add sticky notes. Premium accounts are available.
Doesn't look very professional and apparently it does not have a lot of users. However, it supports selective sharing as well as tags and categories.
Useless Box Bausatz
I'd buy it right away if I had the space for such stuff.
Katana Buchstützen: Küche & Haushalt
Die Hysterie des Netzjournalismus - YouTube
Der elektrische Reporter über die deutschen Wirtschaftsnachrichten.
Verschwörung gegen die Freiheit - Teil 2 (ZDF) - YouTube
Sehr sehenswert! Auch über die deutsche Überwachungspraxis wird berichtet.
Die geheimen Staaten von Amerika (2): NSA - Operation Allmacht (ZDFinfo) - YouTube
Die geheimen Staaten von Amerika (1): Angriff auf die Privatsphäre (ZDFinfo) - YouTube
Die geheimen Staaten von Amerika - "Jagd auf die Whistleblower" - (3/3) ZDFinfo - YouTube
Verschwörung gegen die Freiheit (1) Big Brother und seine Helfer - YouTube
Sting-Operationen: Human Rights Watch wirft FBI Anstiftung zum Terror vor | ZEIT ONLINE
Krieg ist kein Spiel! - YouTube
Einige Interviews mit Soldaten und Infos über die Genfer Konventionen.
Parkour group brings 'Assassin's Creed' to life in Paris | The Verge
#IDP14 #StopWatchingUs Demonstration in Bad Aibling, Reden von @kattascha und @dyfustic - YouTube
Katharina Nocun über Überwachung
Potato Salad: Behind the Scenes - YouTube
(Doku) - Das Gazprom Imperium - YouTube
Richard David Precht: Vergesst das Wissen! (Sternstunde Philosophie, 17.11.2013) - YouTube
Richard David Precht schildert, wie er sich die Zukunft der Schulen und Universitäten vorstellt.
ftlabs/fastclick · GitHub
Javascript library that avoids the 300ms delay when tapping in mobile browsers.
ngMobile doesn't override ng-click with faster touch-based event when JQuery is loaded · Issue #2548 · angular/angular.js · GitHub
Symbaloo | Das führende visuelle Ressourcen-Management-Tool zum Organisieren und Teilen deiner Lieblings-Websites
Rather a personal bookmark manager. Hover, it is possible to share links. Links are represented as tiles in so-called web-mixes.
Bag The Web
Links are organized in bags (one link can be in several bags). Private links are supported.
Another collaboration platform. Founded 2013. Looks promising.
Category:Documentary films about economics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Four Horsemen - Feature Documentary - Official Version - YouTube
Award winning documentary illustrating the problems of our current economic system.
Terrorabwehr: Kriterien für Aufnahme in US-Terrordatenbank enthüllt | ZEIT ONLINE
Schönes Zitat von Hina Shamsi aus dem Artikel: "Die Regierung [stellt] Menschen vor die unmögliche Aufgabe, ihre Unschuld für Taten zu beweisen, die sie nie begangen haben"
Clipix: Organisiere dein Leben!
Links organized into clipboards.
Social bookmarking service for privately sharing collections of bookmarks with people you know.
BibSonomy :: home
A popular social bookmarking service for general bookmarks and in particular for academic literature. | Share Favorites on any computer. Free account. Organize your favorites
This free service has seen hardly any updates recently.
Your personal entry point to the Web - A1-Webmarks
Social bookmarking tool that allows you to collect and share bookmarks ("webmarks") in lists. Doesn't look very impressive.
19Pencils - Helping Teachers Discover, Manage and Share The Web
Social bookmarking service for teachers and students. Currently $4.99 per teacher.
The Age of Stupid - YouTube
Not a classic documentary but rather series of small documentary sequences framed in the fictional story of a man living in 2055 and browsing the archives.
Click it and I Note it [Parody of LMFAO - Sexy and I Know It] - YouTube
Microsoft One Note promo video. Does Tagpacker need such a video, too? I pack it and I show it?
Stylish tool to organize and share interesting links. However, the organization of links is very limited since you can only build a large tree of links.
THE social bookmarking platform - at least it used to be... Tagging became popular to a very large extent through delicious.
Amazingly popular website that focuses on collecting and sharing images on the web. Users are primarily women.
Hans Rosling: Let my dataset change your mindset | Talk Video |
Amazing visualization of certain key figures like income per capita or expectancy of life of western and developing countries over the last 200 years. We tend to underestimate developing countries.
Barry Schwartz: The paradox of choice | Talk Video |
Too many choices make us feel bad. We are often happier with fewer choices and low expectations.
Allan Savory: How to fight desertification and reverse climate change | Talk Video |
Large herds of animals prevent the erosion of soil.
User-Tracking: Werbefirmen setzen bereits häufig "nicht-löschbare" Cookie-Nachfolger ein | heise online
Dale Dougherty: We are makers | Talk Video |
Massimo Banzi: How Arduino is open-sourcing imagination | Talk Video |
He explains what Arduino is and gives a lot of examples what is built with it.
Peter Diamandis: Abundance is our future | Talk Video |
Very optimistic talk pointing out the opportunities offered by new technologies ranging from cheap energy produced by solar panels to access through knowledge through the internet. Three billion new minds will be online until 2020.
TEDxKC - Marcin Jakubowski - Civilization Starter Kit - YouTube
How to build machines for agricultural production yourself.
Online Shoppers Prefer Buying On PC's Over Mobile Devices
Despite the general mobile trend people often resort to their PC to research products before buying (and they buy at the PC as well).
Software Entrepreneurs Must Go Mobile-First Or Die | TechCrunch
Hire 3-4 developers to build your mobile app.
An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments
Lists the most common categories of bad arguments.
Andreas' Testing Links
5 Unit Testing Mistakes
tl;dr Separate algorithmic code from the rest and if you have to mock too much, something is wrong.
What TDD Is and Is Not
Brief summary of TDD
Alfons' Scala Links
Google in Real Time
Interactive live visualization showing number of Google searches, number of youtube videos watched, Google's revenue...
Chris' Avalanche Videos
Chris' Golf Videos
Tobias Mann - Die Vertuschung der Überwachung | schlachthof | BR - YouTube
Der Einspieler von Steffen Seibert ist Klasse.
Tyrannen Quartett (Kartenspiel): Spielzeug
Optic Nerve: millions of Yahoo webcam images intercepted by GCHQ | World news | The Guardian
Hacking Online Polls and Other Ways British Spies Seek to Control the Internet - The Intercept
GCHQ can incluence the outcome of online polls as well as the popularity of youtube content.
Post von Wagner: Lieber Ed Snowden, - News -
Zitat: "Ich mag die Überwachung, sie ist ein Schutz. Ich bin lieber überwacht als tot." Dazu fällt mir nichts mehr ein.
Tobias Mann - "Ich bin lieber überwacht als tot" 3sat Festival 2013 - YouTube
Inspiriert von Franz Josef Wagner (der mit der Kolumne in der Bild-Zeitung).
Fünf schlechte Argumente für mehr Überwachung - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Paul Bloom: Can prejudice ever be a good thing? | Talk Video |
Die Pole spielen verrückt - Der Polsprung schul-wissenschaftlich erklärt - Magnetischer Wechsel - YouTube
Warum Google im Handumdrehen eine Billion Dollar wert sein könnte » t3n
Die Tabelle mit den Daten, die Google sammelt ist etwas beunruhigend.
Kalkofes Mattscheibe Rekalked | Es war nicht alles schlecht - YouTube
Mal wieder fremdschämen bei "Schwiegertochter gesucht".
Comcastic service disconnection by ryan.block on SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds
Unbelievable! And according to the company's response it's not fake.
Daily Kalk 306 - Stephan, Renate und ihr Businessman - YouTube Utopia: Series One [Blu-ray]: Utopia: Movies & TV
Diigo Versus Pinterest: The Student Perspective
Surprising reasons why several students preferred diigo over pinterest.
Design+Startup Rap Genius - YouTube
Tom Lehmann, co-founder of Genius (aka Rap Genius) explains why "worse is better". Focus on the big features and don't be a perfectionist.
ZDF Markus Lanz - @anked und Daniel Domscheit-Berg - 9.7.2014 - YouTube
Überwachungsaufklärung von Anke und Daniel Domscheit-Berg
The Consumer Internet Is Growing | The Connectivist
50 percent of today's web traffic comes from 35 'hyper giant' websites.
re:publica 2014 - Frank Rieger: Wer soll uns regulieren? - YouTube
Das Internet wird von einigen großen Firmen dominiert. Diese Oligopolbildung ist schlecht, allerdings ist der Staat kein guter Regulierer.
SPIEGEL widmet 1989 der NSA seine Titelgeschichte
Man könnte fast meinen, der Text sei aus dem Jahr 2013.
re:publica 2014 - Let's talk about sex baby, let's talk sex... - YouTube
Like safer sex, encryption should be a social norm. You are not only protecting yourself, but others as well.
Social Bookmarking Tools | Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies
Bookmarking Services (54 sites) : Web 2.0 Directory : eConsultant
re:publica 2014 - Vorratsdatenspeicherung für Anfänger
Gute Erklärung des Begriffes und Zusammenfassung des aktuellen rechtlichen Standes,
Top-Secret Document Reveals NSA Spied On Porn Habits As Part Of Plan To Discredit 'Radicalizers'
Somehow I missed this one last year!
correctiv | Recherchen für die Gesellschaft
Durch Stiftungsgelder und Spenden finanzierter unabhängiger Journalismus.
#StopWachtingUs: Protest gegen Überwachung und für den Schutz der Bürger
Nicht verpassen: 26. Juli 2014
re:publica 2014 - Sascha Lobo: Rede zur Lage der Nation - YouTube
Im ersten Teil der Rede ruft er zu Spenden für Organisationen auf, die sich für ein freies Netz einsetzen.
Maybe Tagpacker should support this format for import and export.
Lauers grandiose Kandidatur-Rede beim #aBPT14 on Vimeo
Sascha Lobo: Über Überwachung
Die Totalüberwachung der Gesellschaft hat das Ziel, Verbrechen zu erkennen bevor sie passieren. Keine Science Fiction, es passiert schon heute. Interessante Beispiele in diesem Talk.
Google Analytics Tutorial for Beginners 2014
If you have never worked with Google Analytics before, this one certainly saves some time.
The untold history of the united states
alexruiz/fest-assert-2.x · GitHub
This library makes writing Java test cases much more fun!
Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide (by Google)
Landing Page Optimization: The Definitive Guide to Testing and Tuning for Conversions
Gangsterläufer - Arte
Eindrucksvolle Doku über einen jugendlichen Intensivtäter, seine Familie und seinen Knastaufenthalt. Etwas deprimierend allerdings wie es weitergegangen ist:
Yellow Cake - Die Lüge von der sauberen Energie
Über Uranabbau unter anderem in Ostdeutschland, Afrika und Australien. Mit über 90 Minuten leider etwas lang.
Cannabis! Arte-Dokumentation
The Little Mocker | 8th Light
Uncle Bob explains the terms 'test double', 'stub', 'mock', 'fake' and 'dummy'.
Richard Stallman: Snowden & Assange besieged by empire but not defeated - YouTube
Infinite chocolate trick - YouTube
> 100.000 Likes on facebook!
Why we dropped Eclipse in favour of IntelliJ | Java Code Geeks
Euclid: The Game
Nice browser game in which you have to construct geometric shapes with limited tools.
Is TDD dead? - Hangout with Beck, Fowler and DHH
Kent Beck, Martin Fowler and David Heinemeier Hansson discussing DHHs problems with TDD.
RailsConf 2014 - Keynote: Writing Software by David Heinemeier Hansson
Mainly about why TDD sucks from his point of view. He suggests focussing on code clarity instead.
Is TDD Dead? Final Thoughts about Teams.
TDD is dead. Long live testing. (DHH)
Owned & Operated - YouTube
After criticizing the current worldwide system being controlled by a small wealthy elite and based on mass consumption and corruption, this documentary points out the opportunities of new technologies. First I thought it was only cheap propaganda but it is worth watching.
Private group chat, video chat, instant messaging for teams – HipChat
Problem Fracking - ZDF zoom
Die nächste Blase - Le Monde diplomatique
97% Owned - Economic Truth documentary
Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis
Gasland - Fracking
html - LESS: using font-awesome in :before - Stack Overflow
The Circle: Dave Eggers: Fremdsprachige Bücher
Boom oder Blase? - Wie Fracking die Welt verändert
Ich Putin - Ein Portrait
RegExr: Learn, Build, & Test RegEx
Allows you to dynamically test regular expressions
URL Rewriting for Beginners - Web Development in Brighton - Added Bytes
Relatives ausführliches mod_rewrite Tutorial.
The Obama Deception HQ Full length version - YouTube
Verschwörungstheorien gemischt mit einigen interessanten Fakten.
Bootstrap 3 Less Workflow Tutorial | Experience Design at Hello Erik
Daily Kalk 233 - Buschors Teufelsaustreibung - YouTube
Mal wieder ein Klassiker.
Dan Tao : Bootstrap without all the debt
Kampf um die Favelas - YouTube
Dokue über Favelas in Rio
Die Bio-Illusion - Massenware mit Öko-Siegel - ARTE Doku - YouTube
Bei Anruf Betrug: Die Hintermänner der Enkeltrick-Masche - YouTube
Quelloffene Verschlüsselungsinfrastruktur.
Email Self-Defense - a guide to fighting surveillance with GnuPG encryption
Private Members in JavaScript
Kalkofes Mattscheibe Rekalked | Das Ende von Britt: Arschloch vs Scheißhausfliege - YouTube
Was geschah wirklich am 11 September (Doku) - YouTube
Der Bauch, unser zweites Gehirn | ARTE Future
[2012] Dr. Daniele Ganser - Die Terroranschläge vom 11. September 2001 und die Folgen - YouTube
Ganser ist offenbar einer der seriöseren Historiker, die sich mit Verschwörungstheoriesn zum 11. September beschäftigen.
Die Wahrheit über den Vietnamkrieg (Doku) Daniel Ellsberg und die Pentagon Papiere - YouTube
Der Whistleblower Ellsberg kopiert geheime Dokumente über den Krieg und macht sie der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich.
Daytrader - Der Traum vom schnellen Geld - Dokumentation über Daytrader - YouTube
Für N24 garnicht so schlecht
[2011] Weltmacht Wikileaks? Krieg im Netz - YouTube
[2010] Folter - Made in USA - YouTube
[2006] Arme Sau - Das Geschäft mit dem Erbgut - YouTube
45min Doku, hauptsächlich über Monsanto
Geplante Obsoleszenz - Kaufen für die Müllhalde - YouTube
Von den Anfängen der Konsumgesellschaft zu Beginn des letzten Jahrhunderts bis zu den heutigen Druckern, iPods und Glühbirnen.
Sebastian Junger: Why veterans miss war | Talk Video |
Blue Gold : World Water Wars (Official Full Length Film) - YouTube
Seeds Of Death - Full Movie - YouTube
A documentary about Monsanto and genetically modified food.
Don't mock types you don't own
Mocks Aren't Stubs
Image Preloader | CSS-Tricks
5 lines of javascript code to preload images in an html file.
Dokumentation – heise „socialSharePrivacy“–Plug-In
How to implement a 2-click solution for social plugins
The first 20 hours -- how to learn anything: Josh Kaufman at TEDxCSU - YouTube
Pretty long talk for a short message: If you want to learn something new, 20 hours of practice are enough to achieve A LOT!
▶ Michael Feathers - the deep synergy between testability and good design - YouTube
IntelliJ IDEA — The Best Java and Polyglot IDE
Resharper for Java. Unfortunately it's a complete IDE and not an Eclipse plugin.
Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship Robert C. Martin:
Working Effectively with Legacy Code
Alphabet - Doku
Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob) - Demanding Professionalism in Software Development
Object-Oriented Software Engineering: A Use CASE Approach ACM Press
Recommended by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob) in one of is talks.
Robert C Martin(Uncle Bob) -Clean Architecture and Design-2012 COHAA The Path to Agility Conference - YouTube
He also talks a lot about test-driven development in the end.
The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers
The Memory Book
IMHO it contains too many examples but apart from that it's worth reading.
Kalkofe - Wildfang
Mal wieder ein Klassiker. Habe ich irgendwo noch auf VHS :-)
53.000 Facekalk-Freunde: Are U hot? - YouTube
Warum ist H.P. Baxxter eigentlich nicht öfter im Fernsehen? Er macht das super!
Optimizing AngularJS: 1200ms to 35ms | Scalyr Blog
C# in Depth: Implementing the Singleton Pattern
Boogie Woogie Riff - YouTube
Computer knacken harte Nüsse: Von Sudoku über den Aktienhandel zum Robotersegeln - YouTube
▶ 25.000 Facekalk-Freunde: Die Burg - Prominent im Kettenhemd - YouTube
Mal wieder ein echter Klassiker!
Andreas Raptopoulos: No roads? There’s a drone for that | Talk Video |
About building drone networks in poor countries and big cities.
Hosting, Server-Lösungen und Domains - domainFACTORY
Java project from GitHub into an Eclipse based IDE - YouTube
Gavin Schmidt: The emergent patterns of climate change | Talk Video |
Nice climate animations. | Hexagonal architecture
Can I skip the lock when reading an integer?
Fabulous adventures in coding | Eric Lippert's blog
View your local websites on any internet connected device | Finch
Monads, part one | Fabulous adventures in coding
Very nice step-by-step introduction to monads with C# examples.
AngularJS + REST Made Simple: Connecting AngularJS to a Backend with REST & JSON - YouTube
Considering Speed and Slowness in AngularJS
Pretty good summary of angular performance issues.
Guy Kawasaki-Creating Enchantment - YouTube
Sortie en mer
Really hard to describe what it is! I need a new tag in every pack...
Rework: Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson: Englische Bücher
Box Shadow Generator | CSS3 Generator | CSS3Gen
General social bookmarking service that facilitates the hierarchical organization of your bookmarks.
Hugh Herr: The new bionics that let us run, climb and dance | Talk Video |
As soon as it is affordable, everybody will have an exoskeleton!
James Patten: The best computer interface? Maybe ... your hands | Talk Video |
In this prototype the controls drive around on a table which is the display at the same time.
München Conversion Rate Optimierer Meetup (München) - Meetup
The James MacTaggart Memorial Lecture 2013: Kevin Spacey - YouTube
Kevin Spacey talks about the future of TV-Shows and movies.
Schweine schlachten zum Zuschauen: Fleischproduktion in Dänemark - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Mörder-Brüste-Test - TV total - Ganze Folgen auf
RTL ist mal wieder im Dienste der Wissenschaft unterwegs. Immer wieder erstaunlich!
Kalkofes Mattscheibe Rekalked: Best of the Worst Teil 4 | Video ansehen – Screen Deutschland
Introduction To Apache Cassandra - YouTube
Ezvid - Easy Screen Recorder And Video Editor
Easy Screen Recorder And Video Editor
How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters - YouTube
Talk by Joshua Bloch. Not only relevant if you want to design an API but includes many best practices for everyday coding.
Not as easy as it seems.
The Clean Architecture | 8th Light
Great blog post about software architecture.
mvc - Why put the business logic in the model? What happens when I have multiple types of storage? - Programmers Stack Exchange
Kalkofe: Der Club der Exfrauen - YouTube
Founder's Dilemmas: Anticipating and Avoiding the Pitfalls That Can Sink a Startup
The Startup Owner's Manual: The Step-By-Step Guide for Building a Great Company
Sklavenarbeit für unseren Fortschritt - Seltene Erden - 3sat Doku 31.01.2014 - YouTube
Lindzee - Amelymeloptical illusion - YouTube
Zu Gast bei Feinden - Zehn Tage mitten unter Taliban [Dokumentation deutsch] - YouTube
Don’t worry about embedding large arrays in your MongoDB documents | Tokutek
Thinking About Arrays in MongoDB
tl;dr: when arrays can grow very large and change often, a more relational scheme might be the better choice.
Indexing Matters: A MongoDB Optimization Primer
mite. Sleek time tracking for teams & freelancers.
TMview - International Trademark Search
Design lessons for everyone, curated by top designers - Hack Design
Das Kartell - Die US Regierung und das Öl (ARD Doku) - YouTube
Es geht vor allem um George W. Bush.
"NEULAND - Was ist morgen noch privat?" | NDR - YouTube
Allgemeine Doku über das Thema Privatsphäre. Große Konzerne sind genauso Thema wie NSA: Mit dabei: Sascha Lobo und Peter Schaar.
Kontrolle total (ARTE Doku) - YouTube
Etwas ältere Doku über Überwachung allgemein.
Die Akte Aluminium (arte) - YouTube
Der Titel klingt zwar etwas reißerisch, es ist aber eine sachliche und differenzierte Doku über die mit Aluminium verbundenen Probleme. Neben den gesundheitlichen Risiken wird auch der Herstellungsprozess ausführlich behandelt.
Fleisch in Schutzatmosphäre: Alles frisch beim Jürgen? - YouTube
Klar zur Wende | ARTE-Doku über Frachtsegler
sl-Eisblock - Bierkühler Getränkekühler 0, 33 Liter Flaschen: Küche & Haushalt
Genial! Jetzt brauche ich nur noch ein Tiefkühlfach, das groß genug ist
fullPage.js One Page Scroll Site Plugin
Responsive Design Bookmarklet
Mary Lou Jepsen: Could future devices read images from our brains? | Talk Video |
Impressing experiment results shown shortly after 5:30
Piraten - meine Bilanz. Es war schön! | ValiDOMs Welt
WIPO - MADRID - The international trademark system
Internationale Markensuche
Oeps interview blooper hahaha - YouTube
Richard Ledgett: The NSA responds to Edward Snowden’s TED Talk | Talk Video | TED
It's actually an interview, not a talk.
Notes of Berlin - Notes of Berlin ist eine Hommage an all die Notizen die Berlin tagtäglich im Stadtbild hinterlässt.
Postmark – Transactional Email Delivery | SMTP Relay & API
Clay Shirky: Institutions vs. collaboration | Talk Video | TED
Mark Bittman: What's wrong with what we eat | Talk Video | TED
Startseite :: Solidarische Landwirtschaft e.V.
Kartoffelkombinat | München ist ein Dorf – Solidarische Landwirtschaft (CSA) in Gründung
18 of my Favorite Corporate Software Engineering & Tech Blogs |
Berlin - Tag und Nacht: Oles neuer Job - Switch Reloaded - YouTube
Genial, wenn man das Original kennt :-)
Effective Scala
A Twitter employee on Scala best practices
What is reddit? - YouTube
Daylight Saving Time Explained - YouTube
Great explanation of daylight saving time and why we absolutely don't need it.
Der Postillon: Minus-Ein-Cent-Ergänzungsmarke: Deutsche Post führt negatives Porto ein
Novena Main Page - Studio Kousagi Wiki
Crowdfunded Open Source Notebook
YaCy - Freie Suchmaschinensoftware und dezentrale Websuche
Die Zukunft ist dezentral!
Upgrading your Play! applications without downtime
Solution: Run 2 play instances behind an Apache load balancer. Seems pretty simple given that your Play! application is stateless.
Weltmacht Google ist Gefahr für die Gesellschaft
Javascript Territory - JSter Javascript Catalog
JSter is a catalog of 1536 JavaScript libraries and tools for web development.
Solarhandylader "ClicLite Sun"- Made in Berlin: Elektronik
Der kleinste USB Solarlader der Welt für Dein Smartphone -
Nette Idee, aber 12h starke Sonneneinstrahlung um mein Handy 15% zu laden?? Immerhin ist es auch eine Taschenlampe.
Der Blender - The Imposter - sofort online ansehen
Doku über einen realen Fall. Hochstapler gibt sich als 16-jähriger Texaner aus, der mehr als 3 Jahre vermisst wurde. Er kommt erstaunlich lange damit durch.
The Expert, A Hilarious Sketch About the Pain of Being the Only Engineer in a Business Meeting
Hell and Back Again - sofort online ansehen
Über den Alltag der US-Soldaten in Afghanistan und Porträt eines heimgekehrten Soldaten, der im Einsatz verwundet wurde.
Henners Traum - Das größte Tourismusprojekt Europas - sofort online ansehen
Größenwahnsinniger Provinzbürgermeister sucht über zwei Jahre nach Investoren für einen 450 Mio Hotelkomplex in Hessen.
IKONS - 300 free vector icons from Piotr Kwiatkowski
▶ Ich gebe Ihnen mein Ehrenwort! Luege und Wahrheit in der Politik - Die Story im Ersten Doku 2013 - YouTube
The Green Wave - sofort online ansehen
Sehenswerte aber düstere Doku über die Grüne Revolution im Iran.
Dein Biomarkt online - Bio Online Shop & Versand |
Sieht interessant aus. Noch nicht ausprobiert.
App - Zu gut für die Tonne
Split | Avoid Unwanted Encounters
Ich frage mich, woher die wissen, wo die Leute sind, die ich nicht mag! Müssen die dann auch Split nutzen?
This Is a Generic Brand Video on Vimeo
Satire brand video. "Equality, innovatoin, honesty and advancement are all words we choose from a list..."
Trust fall fail - YouTube
Ich könnte mich jedes mal kaputtlachen!
Die perfekte Illusion ;-)
Lookback - See how people really use your app!
Was ein Schwein in Deutschland mit dem Regenwald in Brasilien und den Bauern in Afrika zu tun hat | Let’s meat | Print Ausgabe |
Wilkommen in der Demokratie - Volker Pispers - Kleinkunstpreis 23.03.2014 - Bananenrepublik - YouTube
3m 52s: Aber die USA arbeiten eine Liste ab, ist Ihnen schon bekannt, oder? Das ist 'ne offizielle Liste. Da stehen die Namen von Menschen drauf -- von Obama abgesegnet -- die weltweit über den Haufen geschossen werden dürfen. Ohne Anklage, ohne Rechtfertigungsmöglichkeit, nicht mal ein kurzer Prozess. Und wenn Sie dumm danebenstehen, dann sind Sie ein Kollateralschaden. Was haben Sie auch so schlechten Umgang? Sie können die Liste ja einsehen!
Free to Play: The Movie
Simple diff tool working in your browser
Edeka Werbung (Kiffer) [Wir lieben Lebensmittel] - YouTube
Schon wieder ein Clip, bei dem das letzte Wortspiel mich zum Packen bewogen hat :-)
Fleischpreise: Die Hähnchen-Rechnung | ZEIT ONLINE
Patcare - Home
Namen und Begriff schützen, Marke, Marken anmelden, sichern, schützen, Markenschutz registrieren, Tipps Markenanmeldung, Abmahnung, Markenrecherche, Markenamt, DPMA, HABM
9 startups explain how they chose their names - The Next Web
Zitat: We had two or three names before this, we hated them in more or less equal measure, but thought we’d learn to love them. One was TingTag, which we even registered at Companies House, had a logo and is still printed on our business credit card.
Before naming your startup, read this. - The Next Web
Sexy Beifahrerin - Chantal: Spielzeug
Wer kauft sowas? Auf dem Parkplatz sicher auch eine tolle Sache, dann aber am Steuer!
Checkliste zur Sozialversicherungspflicht von (Gesellschafter)-Geschäftsführern einer GmbH
▶ Bret Victor The Future of Programming - YouTube
Breitband - Der offene Code
65.000 Facekalk-Freunde: Je t'aime - Wer mit wem? - YouTube
Ein Klassiker!! "Entspannung finde ich nach Feierabend beim Nachrechnen alter Steuererklärungen..."
Big Boys Gone Bananas! - sofort online ansehen
How to learn any language in six months: Chris Lonsdale at TEDxLingnanUniversity - YouTube
TEDxYouthBerlin 11/20/11 - Dennis Buchmann "Meine kleine Farm" - YouTube
Etwas flapsig vorgetragen aber 100% sympathisch und unterstützenswert!
Startseite | Meine kleine Farm
Wie, aber in erster Linie mit Schweinefleisch
A successful Git branching model
The Annotated Turing: A Guided Tour Through Alan Turing's Historic Paper on Computability and the Turing Machine [Englisch] [Taschenbuch]
„Geschüttelt, nicht gerührt.“ - BPatG bescheinigt der Wortmarke „Casino Royale“ eine an Schutzunfähigkeit heranreichende Kennzeichenschwäche
Meine Interpretation: Wenn ein Name keine große "Kennzeichnungskraft" hat, wie z.B. eine Wortschöpfung wie "Google", ist es schwer ihn zu schützen, nich einmal gegen eine konkurrierende exakt gleichlautende Marke.
Spritz reader: Getting words into your brain faster
Startup Grind Munich Hosts Christian Göttsch (Founder & CEO Experteer) - Startup Grind Munich (München) - Meetup
Kalkofes Mattscheibe Rekalked | Das Channel-Übersetzungs-Spray - YouTube
Rechtsanwälte Klose - Aktuelles - Zahlung der Geschäftsführervergütung und Kapitalerhaltung
Wieviel darf ein Gesellschafter-Geschäftsführer verdienen? - IHK Region Stuttgart
Christopher Soghoian: Government surveillance — this is just the beginning | Talk Video | TED
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About the Google Publisher Toolbar - AdSense Help
Der Postillon: EU-Beschluss: Tabakwarenverkäufer müssen ab 2017 schwarzen Umhang und Sense tragen
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Business Marketplace: Tricia - Wissen richtig Strukturieren - YouTube
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Abusing HTTP Status Codes to Expose Private Information
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Rachel Botsman: The currency of the new economy is trust | Video on
Chris McKnett: The investment logic for sustainability | Video on
He basically says: Sustainable investments perform equal or better than average so why not do it?
David R. Dow: Lessons from death row inmates | Video on
Urheberrecht: Europäischer Gerichtshof erlaubt Direktlinks
6.000 Facekalk Freunde - Die Superlachparade - YouTube
Daily Kalk 51 - Die windige Schabrackin - YouTube
Spontan gescriptete Gespräche | Video ansehen – Screen Deutschland
Kalkofes Mattscheibe Rekalked | Vertrauensbruch durch Buchstabensuppe - YouTube
Daily Kalk 56 - Automarken mit O - YouTube
▶ Jesus junge Garde - Die christliche Rechte und ihre Rekruten - YouTube
Jacob Appelbaum zur Überwachung: „Eine Taktik der Zersetzung“ | Spionage-Skandal - Berliner Zeitung
Massive Censorship of Digg Uncovered | COTO Report
▶ Kalkofes Mattscheibe Rekalked | Amtsrichter Gassmann - Pimmel-Model aus Leidenschaft - YouTube
▶ Kalkofes Mattscheibe Rekalked | Die Rückkehr von Fips Arschmuskel - YouTube
▶ Der Klappsmühlenkristall - Oliver Kalkofe - YouTube
Von Göttern und Designern - Ein Glaubenskrieg erreicht Europa - YouTube
▶ Pepsi MAX & Jeff Gordon Present: "Test Drive" - YouTube
▶ Carlsberg puts friends to the test - YouTube
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German Penspinning Community
Fairphone-CEO reagiert auf Kritik | ZEIT ONLINE
My Best Mathematical and Logic Puzzles Math & Logic Puzzles: Martin Gardner, Gardner: Englische Bücher
The best book I ever bought for 3,60 EUR!
Long list of persons by initials
Mnemonic peg system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mnemonic major system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Memorize numbers with this online mnemonic generator -
▶ Harald Schmidt - Pango - YouTube
▶ Kalkofes Mattscheibe Rekalked | Endlich! Pofalla beendet NSA-Affäre - YouTube
▶ Kalkofes Mattscheibe Rekalked | Superhellsicht deluxe mit Lorelei & Luke - YouTube
Existenzgründung und Businessplan: Ein Leitfaden für erfolgreiche Start-ups: Eva Vogelsang, Christian Fink, Matthias Baumann: Bücher
So gründe und führe ich eine GmbH: Vorteile nutzen · Risiken vermeiden: Wolfram Waldner, Erich Wölfel: Bücher
Facebook Fraud - YouTube
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Interactive Wireframe Software & Mockup Tool | Axure
Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern
Freelancer für IT & Design | twago
Tips To Avoid Your Google Adsense Account From Getting Banned | Helplogger
Dependency Injection – The manual way | Java Code Geeks
Do It Yourself Dependency Injection - by Chad Perry
▶ Extremely Scary Ghost Elevator Prank in Brazil - YouTube
Ultra Reality: What would you do in this situation? - LG Meteor Prank - YouTube
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This Guy Has An Ingenious Solution For Avoiding Boredom On The Train
Twitter / cap0w: Wtf is wrong with this dude? ...
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Looks a bit like Pinterest but allows grouping and reordering of "keebies". German Startup.
▶ Canadian Institute of Diversity and Inclusion | Luge - YouTube
The Subtle Magic Behind Why the Bootstrap 3 Grid Works | Experience Design at Hello Erik
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Top 15 Worst Logo FAILS Ever | Bored Panda
Quick Tip: Don't Forget the Viewport Meta Tag - Tuts+ Web Design Article
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▶ Georgian Shuffle and Scuffle (Juggling Tutorial) - YouTube
▶ 6 ball juggling tutorial - YouTube
▶ How to juggle: 5 ball cascade - YouTube
▶ SITESWAP BASICS juggling tutorial (part 2) - YouTube
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Steuervorteile für Holdings drohen zu fallen | Gründerszene
Taste The Waste Deutsch Die Spitze des Nahrungsberges - YouTube
Guicing up the Play Framework: Dependency Injection with Guice and Play | Javalobby
Advanced Dependency Injection With Guice | Javalobby
Land unter Kontrolle: Die Geschichte der Überwachung der BRD - YouTube
24.05. March Against Monsanto - München -
Darf man Screenshots von Webseiten veröffentlichen? Urheberrecht
Vorschaubilder, Facebook und die Abmahnungen - Der Social Media Fahrplan Entscheidungen: BGH, Urteil vom 29. 4. 2010 – I ZR 69/08
Diese Abmahnwelle kann heftig werden: Getty Images mahnt Vorschaubilder ab! | Bella & Ratzka Rechtsanwälte
Virtual Machine (VM), Windows Virtual PC & Browserstack | Modern.IE
Der Tatortreiniger - Staffel 3
Der Tatortreiniger - Staffel 2
Ace - Responsive Admin Template - Live Preview - WrapBootstrap
'The 3 beat Factory/Machine' Juggling Tutorial - YouTube
Food, Inc. - Was essen wir wirklich?
Sehr sehenswerte Doku über unser Essen und wie es hergestellt wird.
▶ 3 Ball Tricks Encyclopedia - YouTube
▶ Boston Mess & Cherry Picker: Juggling Tutorial 7 - YouTube
▶ Nelson's Nemesis: Juggling Tutorial 42 - YouTube
CamStudio - Free Screen Recording Software » Blog Archive » Singletons: Solving problems you didn’t know you never had since 1995
events - How is Node.js evented system different than the actor pattern of Akka? - Stack Overflow
Nothing But the Truth (2008) - IMDb
Von Christopher empfohlen
"Europa 2050 - Der richtige Weg vom alten zu einem neuen Europa" - HAVICHHORSTER GESPRÄCHE - YouTube
Alles über die Kunst des Jonglierens: Dave D. Finnigan, Gabi Hartmann, Paul Keast: Bücher
The Day We Fight Back - February 11th 2014
validation - Disabled submit button on form vs allow submit then show errors? - User Experience Stack Exchange
Who killed the inactive button state? - UX Booth | UX Booth
"The web of the mid-90s had a love affair with inactive submit buttons. Greyed out on page load, they would immediately become active once the user had filled in all required form fields. More recently, though, designers have opted for alternate solutions."
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Daily Kalk 379 - Dekoration bei Astro TV - YouTube
▶ Die wahre Geschichte des Golfkrieges (ARTE Doku) - YouTube
bis 20:00 gesehen
Festivo (3 ball juggling routine) edit ver - YouTube
Chrome Web Store - AngularJS Batarang
The Weave
▶ The Weave: Juggling Tutorial 19 - YouTube
▶ The Drop Box: Juggling Tutorial 21 - YouTube
Symmetrical Georgian Shuffle: Juggling Tutorial 23 - YouTube
Juggling Tutorials by Guillaume Riesen - YouTube
"Four Ball Cascade": Juggling Tutorial 37 - YouTube
Awesome way to throw 4 balls in a cascade pattern without a gap by crossing your hands!
▶ Rubenstein's and Romeo's Revenge: Juggling Tutorial 5 - YouTube
▶ Rubenstein's revenge tutorial w/ 300fps slow mo - YouTube
Kokainschmuggel V-Mann: Berliner Polizei fädelte Drogengeschäft ein | Politik - Berliner Zeitung
5. Bielefelder Hörsaal-Slam - Julia Engelmann - Campus TV 2013 - YouTube
Thema unter anderem Prokrastination. Vielleicht gerade deshalb so gut weil sie es nicht professionell und routiniert vorträgt aber extrem authentisch!
▶ Kalkofes Mattscheibe Rekalked | Action, Fun und wahrer Glaube - YouTube
Daily Kalk 377 - Aggro Scheiße! - YouTube
▶ Die undankbare Kanzlerin? Ströbele: "Ich hab' mal 'ne Frage" Bundestag 18.11.2013 - Bananenrepublik - YouTube
▶ Jongleur Legende Kris Kremo bei hallo hessen - YouTube
▶ Cigar Box juggling on the Generation Game Kris Kremo - YouTube
▶ Brian P. Dailey - YouTube
▶ pendulum fasten your seatbelts - YouTube
▶ Pendulum - Tarantula - YouTube
▶ The Zombies - Tell Her No - YouTube
▶ the Zombies - She's Not There (1964) - YouTube
▶ The Zombies ~ Time of the season (1968) lyrics - YouTube
▶ madeleine peyroux - dance me to the end of love - YouTube
An Introduction to Content Security Policy - HTML5 Rocks
▶ Anthony Gatto performance in Cirque du Soleil's Kooza - YouTube
Amazing juggling performance with all kinds of items!
BitTorrent Sync Beta
Nice file synchronization solution. Unfortunately not open source...
4 Ball Juggling Tricks & Patterns : How to Juggle the 4 Ball Box - YouTube
Basic Three Ball Juggling Tricks : The Vamp Juggling Trick - YouTube
3-ball Reverse Cascade
Starts at 0:10
3 Ball Cascade
First first trick in the video
▶ 8 EASY 5 BALLS JUGGLING TRICKS [Slow motion] - YouTube
▶ How To Juggle The Boston Mess - YouTube
▶ 17 simple 3 ball juggling tricks - YouTube
▶ 10 Advanced 3 Ball Juggling Tricks - YouTube
▶ 3 Ball Snake Tutorial (Finally) - YouTube
▶ The COMPLETE Juggler's Guide To "The Factory" - YouTube
Contains tutorials for many carrying tricks including the pendulum and the 1 count factory.
▶ Burke's Barrage tutorial w 300fps slow mo - YouTube
Mill's Mess Shower
Starts 1:33
▶ Basic Three Ball Juggling Tricks : The 531Juggling Trick - YouTube
Es geht praktisch ausschließlich um militärische Drohnen. Ab 30:15 wird sehr schön dargestellt, was für hochauflösende Bilder Überwachungsdrohnen aus mehreren Kilometern Höhe liefern können.
▶ Basic Three Ball Juggling : Learn how to do chops - YouTube
Mind Blowing Juggling Act At Talent Show - YouTube
▶ The evolution of juggling: Jay Gilligan at TEDxHelsinki - YouTube
▶ SITESWAP BASICS juggling tutorial (part 1) - YouTube
Rubenstein's Revenge Tutorial - YouTube
Hario Skerton - Handkaffeemühle mit Keramikmahlwerk: Küche & Haushalt
Super Preis-Leistungsverhältnis. Einfach zu reinigen. Sehr zu empfehlen.
Dokumentation - Schmutzige Kriege - Die geheimen Kommandoaktionen der USA - YouTube
Diese packende Doku fasst das gleichnamige Buch von Jeremy Scahill kompakt zusammen und führt dem Zuschauer das Außmaß und die erschreckenden Folgen geheimer US-Militäroperationen vor Augen. Muss man gesehen haben!
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AdServer - AdSpirit
Disney sperrt Weihnachtsfilme über Weihnachten auf Amazon
858 – Redtube – Mumblediskussion zum Leak zur aktuellen Abmahnwelle - Krähennest - Piraten Podcast
Ben Alman » Run jQuery Code Bookmarklet » Generate
Make Your Own AngularJS, Part 1: Scopes And Digest
Impressive blog post describing the internals of angluarjs by providing a tutorial how to implement them yourself.
Anleitung zum Unglücklichsein: Paul Watzlawick
Paper clips Stock Photo 16371116 - iStock
Infolinks' suite of smart ad units monetizes websites with In³ technology
▶ Arm und Reich Wie geteilt ist Deutschland DOKU - YouTube
Russland und China - Die neuen Energie Supermächte - Doku, Dokumentation - YouTube (14:28)
▶ (Doku) - Meltup - Die US Wirtschaft mit Volldampf in den Untergang [2010] - YouTube
▶ iPad Art - Morgan Freeman Finger Painting - YouTube
Zu schön um wahr zu sein...
Die Barpiano-Schule, Band 1: Techniken des stilvollen Entertainment-Pianos inkl. Audio-CD: Michael Gundlach: Bücher
Sascha Lobo zum Spähskandal: Geheimdienste hassen unsere Freiheit - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Der Postillon: Zentralrat der Kinder: "Das mit den Schulden ist ok! Wir hinterlassen sie einfach unseren Kindern"
Die Boogie und Blues Methode für Piano. Inkl. CD: Wolfgang Wierzyk: Bücher
Hagen Rether - GLOBALISIERUNG über die Grenzen hinaus ?!? - YouTube
Die Vermögensfrage: Umgekehrte Hypothek ist oft eine bittere Pille für Eigenheimbesitzer - Vermögensfragen - FAZ
Hagen Rether - Endlich sagt jemand die Wahrheit! - YouTube
So spielen Sie Bar Piano: Frei und ohne Noten. Simon Schott: Bücher
More Piano Ballads. Für alle Tasteninstrumente: Wolfgang Fiedler: Bücher
Piano Ballads: Für alle Tasteninstrumente: Wolfgang Fiedler: Bücher
Der Postillon: Von Gold umgebener Chef von billionenschwerem Unternehmen kritisiert Kapitalismus
Der Postillon: Amazon plant, Pakete mit riesigen Kanonen direkt vor die Haustür zu schießen
Der Postillon: Eltern vergessen Namen ihres Kindes, weil sie ihn sich nirgends tätowiert haben
Volker Pispers vs Angela Merkel vom 11.09.2011 - YouTube
▶ Amazing Technology Invented By MIT - Tangible Media - YouTube
Elektrischer Reporter -
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Der Postillon
▶ Interview mit Richard von Weizsäcker beim 3. Berliner Forum Außenpolitik - YouTube
Luxe-Visitenkarten von MOO
Der Postillon: Winter in Afghanistan: US-Kampfdrohnen fliegen in den Süden
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How To Play By Google's New SEO Rules | OPEN Forum - Visual Collaboration for Creative People
Louis CK - Live at The Beacon Theater HD - YouTube
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SnoopyTagging on Flickr - Application Sharing!
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A simple (but long-winded) guide to REST web services | kill the radio
USA - Eine Supermacht vor dem Crash DOKU DEUTSCH - YouTube
▶ Amazon's Jeff Bezos looks to the future - YouTube
▶ Cuche macht Bus kaputt! :-) - YouTube
▶ Eurokrise: Der Domino-Effekt [Doku/ARTE] - YouTube
▶ Bruce Hornsby & the Range - The Way It Is - YouTube
Design of Everyday Things: Don Norman: Englische Bücher
Defensive Design for the Web: How to improve error messages, help, forms, and other crisis points: Matthew Linderman, Jason Fried: 0752064714101: Books
Homepage Usability: 50 Websites Deconstructed: Jakob Nielsen, Marie Tahir: 0752064711025: Books
Nielsen Norman Group: UX Training, Consulting, & Research
The Practice of Creativity: A Manual for Dynamic Group Problem-Solving: George M. Prince, Steve Krug: 9780963878489: Books
Diigo, A Tool For Highlighting And Adding Sticky Notes To The Web, Gets A Facelift | TechCrunch
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▶ Kalkofes Mattscheibe Rekalked | Singen mit Familie Becker - YouTube
Kalkofes Mattscheibe Rekalked | 4 Blondes zuviel - YouTube
What HATEOAS actually means |
Haters gonna HATEOAS — Timeless
▶ Beautiful REST & JSON APIs - YouTube
Good talk, I learned a lot. Everybody who intends to build his own REST API should watch this. Starting from 14:50, the difference between CRUD and GET, PUT,... etc. are covered.
▶ Kalkofes Mattscheibe Rekalked | Prost, Brigitte! - YouTube
▶ Kalkofes Mattscheibe Rekalked | Willkommen im Schutzengelkreis - YouTube
▶ Kalkofes Mattscheibe Rekalked | Bitte nicht lachen! - YouTube
Kalkofes Mattscheibe Rekalked | Powered by Energie-Bär! - YouTube
▶ Der hat`s verdient: Hangover | Verstehen Sie Spaß? - YouTube
Exclude folders from Eclipse search - Stack Overflow
▶ Danny MacAskill's Imaginate - YouTube
▶ Knallhart am Stadtrand - Andere Wege gegen Jugendgewalt (DOKU) - YouTube
▶ Kulturimpuls: Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen (full) - YouTube
▶ Können Tiere denken ? Arte Dokumentation - YouTube
Kalkofe verarscht Thomas G. Hornauer und Kanal Telemedial - YouTube
Running the same Jasmine specs with specific setups (Bear example plunk)
language features - How does "this" keyword work within a JavaScript object literal? - Stack Overflow
Remastered Animation in AngularJS 1.2 -
Fair Game (2010) - IMDb
Getting started with Eclipse code templates Associates Central - Links & Banners
The Unseen Cost of Using the Best Technology: Angular.js
The 38 Most Unexplainable Images On The Web | So Bad So Good
AngularJS Sticky Notes Pt 1 - Architecture | One Hungry MindOne Hungry Mind
Understanding Scopes · angular/angular.js Wiki · GitHub
AngularJS Isolated Scope Experiment - JSFiddle
▶ Berlusconi keeps Merkel waiting by taking phone call at NATO summit - YouTube
▶ Beckenbauer sieht keine Sklaven in Katar - YouTube
10 Useful Usability Findings and Guidelines | Smashing UX Design
Don't Make Me Think (Voices That Matter): Steve Krug: Englische Bücher
Why ‘Ok’ Buttons in Dialog Boxes Work Best on the Right - UX Movement
OS X Human Interface Guidelines: UI Element Guidelines: Windows
Zum Google-Urteil: Algorithmische und kommerzielle Diktatur feiern Hochzeit - Urheberrecht - FAZ
▶ Die Schattenmacht - Das zweifelhafte System der Rating-Agenturen [HD Doku] - YouTube
▶ [DOKU] Das grosse Spiel um Macht und Öl - YouTube
Mikko Hypponen: How the NSA betrayed the world's trust -- time to act | Video on
Billige Brötchen: Die Spur der Teiglinge
Doku - Selbstversorger: Die Angst vor dem großen Crash - YouTube
▶ Der Preis der Bananen (Doku 45 min - NDR) - YouTube
Plover, the Open Source Steno Program
▶ Die Wahrheit über Fett - 45 Min - YouTube
Testing AngularJS Directives: Handling External Templates | Portland Webworks
▶ Testing Directives - YouTube
Bootstrap 3 Grids Explained | Jetstrap Blog
Russian Subways Now Accept Squats for Payment
Der größte Raubzug der Geschichte: Warum die Fleißigen immer ärmer und die Reichen immer reicher werden: Matthias Weik, Marc Friedrich: Bücher
Leider etwas reißerisch und nicht immer sachlich.
ARTrip •: ☀ Hyper Realistic Sculptures - by Ron Mueck
Usability-Test zur Optimierung Ihrer Webseite - Ergebnisse in 24 Std
BlockPRISM | Encryption for Everybody
Steve Howard: Let's go all-in on selling sustainability | Video on
Charles Robertson: Africa's next boom | Video on
Rodrigo Canales: The deadly genius of drug cartels | Video on
Mornin' Glory - Günstige Rasierklingen online kaufen
The Top 100 Passwords of 130 Mio Adobe Accounts
Nur die Spitze des Eisbergs-Anke u. Daniel Domscheit-Berg Piratenpartei 05.11.2013
Überwachung: Die Datensauger setzen die Demokratie aufs Spiel | ZEIT ONLINE
▶ Bernd Lucke (AfD) VS Michel Friedman / SPD - YouTube
CSS3 Transitions — Thank God We Have A Specification! | Smashing Coding
The Guide To CSS Animation: Principles and Examples | Smashing Coding
▶ Goldschmied Fabian - Warum überall Geld fehlt (ganze Länge) - YouTube
Responsive Web: Status Quo
Nigel Farage 2011 in Berlin - YouTube
NSA: US-Geheimdienst hat zu viel Macht | ZEIT ONLINE
We Are Legion | The Story of the Hacktivists Official Website.
ARTE-Doku - Staatsgeheimnis Bankenrettung - YouTube
▶ Geldschöpfung erklärt - YouTube
Der beste Käsekuchen der Welt (Rezept mit Bild) von blondeangel716 |
▶ TOR und die NSA - YouTube
Wie funktioniert Geld? - YouTube
Fairphone: Kein Smartphone wie alle anderen
▶ Gedächtnistraining (1/3): Geniale Methode zum Lernen und Merken - YouTube
▶ Gier auf Geld - Wenn Menschen sich verändern
▶ Die Wahrheit, was wirklich passierte und was in der Zeitung stand [29c3] - YouTube
How the Government Tracks You: NSA Surveillance - YouTube
Essay: Macht und Misstrauen der Untertanen - News Digital: Internet -
Eine Übersicht über die häufigsten Rechtfertigungen dafür, dass man seine Emails nicht verschlüsselt.
Goldsucher im Netz - brand eins online
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Geld aus Schulden - Eine Einführung in das Geldsystem - Keine Schulden, kein Geld
Glenn Greenwald DESTROYS David Gregory. With Newsmen Like You.....
▶ ARTE - Google und die Macht des Wissens (Dokumentation) - YouTube
Doku - Undercover als Paketsklave - YouTube
Eric X. Li: A tale of two political systems | Video on
Dokumentation: Die Griechenland-Lüge - YouTube
Schmutzige Kriege. Amerikas geheime Kommandoaktionen: Jeremy Scahill: Bücher
Gerade am Anfang sehr ausführlich, spannend wird es vor allem in der zweiten Hälfte. Sehr viele Fakten, viele Personen, da fällt es manchmal schwer mitzukommen. Aber: Inhaltlich ein absolutes Muss! Wer keine Zeit hat, das Buch zu lesen, sollte sich unbedingt den Film anschauen.
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„America knows everything“ | VICE Deutschland
Es begann mit einer Lüge: 10 Jahre nach dem Irak-Krieg ( Doku )
▶ Überwacht? Mit Sicherheit! - 3sat - Doku - YouTube
Recht auf Nahrung: "Monsanto hat Afrika im Griff" | ZEIT ONLINE
▶ Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise - YouTube
Art of the Brick: Nathan Sawaya’s LEGO Solo Show in New York | Colossal
Stuart Firestein: The pursuit of ignorance | Video on
Ken Jennings: Watson, Jeopardy and me, the obsolete know-it-all | Video on
Michael Sandel: Why we shouldn't trust markets with our civic life | Video on
Internet Speed Test
Checks your connection speed.
▶ ARD Tagesthemen - @Missfelder #CDU- über den NSA Vollzugriff auf unseren Smartphones - 8.9.2013 - YouTube
Amy Webb: How I hacked online dating | Video on
26.10. StopWatchingUs – München - #StopWatchingUs
Precht - Ende der Geheimnisse: Die gläserne Gesellschaft
Daniel H. Cohen: For argument’s sake | Video on
Am Vorabend der Inflation Prof. Wilhelm Hankel Warum der Euro scheitern wird - YouTube
Selbstbestimmung: Hört auf, Überwachung mit Facebook zu rechtfertigen! | ZEIT ONLINE
10 Donations You Haven't Considered | Dylan Nord
Spenden 2013 | Demonstration "Freiheit statt Angst!"
Campact – Wikipedia
Spende für die Aktion "Wir lassen uns nicht länger bespitzeln" - Wir lassen uns nicht länger bespitzeln - Campact
Europa auf dem Irrweg - Vorlesung von Prof. Hans-Werner Sinn 14.01.2013 - YouTube
Ab in den Süden: Wie Freiberufler nach Sonnen-Büros suchen - SPIEGEL ONLINE
▶ BBC Schwarze Sonne - Die Folgen der globalen Verdunkelung - YouTube
▶ Paul Kirchhof zum Grundeinkommen - YouTube
Marina erklärt das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen ... - YouTube
Raspberry Pi: Bauanleitung des anonymisierenden Tor-Routers SpOnionPi - SPIEGEL ONLINE
BGH VIII ZR 74/10 – Fehlende Erlaubnis zur Untervermietung berechtigt Vermieter nicht zwangsläufig zur Kündigung
Untermiete - Tipps für Untermieter/innen, Wohngemeinschaften und für Leute, die untervermieten wollen
Wahl-Zeitmaschine: Ergebnisse aller Bundestagswahlen - SPIEGEL ONLINE
WEN WÄHLEN? – Ihr persönlicher Kandidatenvergleich zur Bundestagswahl
▶ ZDF Zoom World Wide War 11 09 2013 - YouTube
Ubuntu vs. Mint: Which Linux Distro Is Better for Beginners?
Universal USB Installer – Easy as 1 2 3 | USB Pen Drive Linux
NSA Hearing European Parliament 5 Sept 2013 (full) - YouTube
▶ Calling NSA (part 1) - YouTube
▶ NSA Geheimdienst Edward Snowden und die Fabrik der Spione Doku - Arte - Dokumentation - YouTube
online text editor - collabedit
Screenhero | Collaborative Screen Sharing
Log Files - Apache HTTP Server
Apache Webserver
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Samsara (2011 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The Daily Dot - Your Internet. Your Internet news.
▶ 3-Sweep: Extracting Editable Objects from a Single Photo, SIGGRAPH ASIA 2013 - YouTube
▶ True Greed: Goldman Sachs - Arte-Dokumentation - YouTube
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Kehrmaschinen-Simulator 2011: Pc: Games
Die Geolocation App für alle Heizungen - tado° - Intelligente Heizungssteuerung
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Das schwerste Rätsel der Welt
▶ Überwachungsstaat - Was ist das? - YouTube
▶ 500 Files - The Edward Snowden NSA Whistleblower Song - YouTube
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Welcome to ElasticSearch - ElasticSearch
Kopf schlägt Kapital: Die ganz andere Art, ein Unternehmen zu gründen
▶ Jacob Appelbaum 29C3 Keynote: Not My Department - YouTube
Callstel Bluetooth-Headset mit Schwanenhals-Mikrofon: Elektronik
Mondelez: Milka macht das letzte Stück Schokolade zum kreativen Marketingbaustein - HORIZONT.NET
▶ Folter - Die wahren Methoden der US-Geheimdienste
Standing Army: Die geheime Strategie der US-Militärbasen
Christliche Fundamentalisten in den USA
Welt ohne Menschen - Arte Dokumentation
Den Titel finde ich etwas irreführend. Es geht eher um die Rolle des Menschen in einer Welt, die mehr und mehr von Maschinen bestimmt wird.
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Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc
Waste = Food (31:00)
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▶ Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech 2005 - YouTube
Mercedes Collision Prevention - Unauthorized Spot
Base64 Online - base64 decode and encode
Firefox HTTP Request Logger
▶ 3D No glasses by Jonathan Post - YouTube
Play Framework: Data Validation Using Controllers (also talks about caching)
Blogpost about how to configure redirects in Apache
Flickr: Mit Tag food (tag clusters)
Generics in Java 1.5
Page Speed Home
WizeHive: Home
Social Tagging and the Enterprise: Does Tagging Work at Work?
Social Bookmarking Tools (I): A General Review
Home | OpenCalais
Cloud Computing: An Overview
Shirky: Ontology is Overrated
Folksonomies: Tidying up Tags?
Blind Search
A cognitive analysis of tagging « Rashmi’s blog
Tagging from personal to social
Findability with tags: Facets, clusters, and pivot browsing « Rashmi’s blog
The enterprise implications of Google Wave | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
xtagfs - Google Code
Tagsistant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Information classification (Part III) – Folksonomies « Matt’s Musings
Do Tags Work?
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Über Utopia |
Mercurial: The Definitive Guide
Webserver-Scripte: Eigene Website als Browser-Suchanbieter einrichten
Enterprise Search, Information Access, and Guided Navigation Solutions | Endeca
YourKit - Java Profiler
MultipleIEs - Download
Process Explorer
Home - Common Tag
Alex Barnett's blog : Enterprise Tagging
Tag Clouds Gallery: Examples And Good Practices | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
Haystack Group
Facette | Facets for Delicious
Faviki - Social bookmarking tool using smart semantic Wikipedia (DBpedia) tags
Tag centric social bookmarking tool that allows you to use wikipedia concepts as tags.
Dishy - a JavaScript wrapper for integration
Tagging Strategies For Successful Social Bookmarking | Social Media Explorer
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Can Social Bookmarks Improve Web Search?
home | nudge:nudge : Public marks
Very little content. Doesn't really explain what it is.
Lunar Frog Software - Free file tagging and document tagging application
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SIMILE Widgets | Exhibit
Good and Bad Procrastination
Clusty the clustering search engine
SOP 2.0 | Get SOP 2.0 at
Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures
You Can't Innovate Like Apple — Product Management Training, Product Marketing Training by Pragmatic Marketing
Vom König zum Knecht
The Long Tail – Wikipedia
law blog» Archiv » Die Meinungsfreiheit als Sondermüll
Debategraph home - Enable: Firmenwikis als Know-how-Träger - Seite 1 von 2 - Management
Mühsame Ernte - Energy Harvesting
Advanced Tagging and TripleTags « geobloggers
Flickr: Discussing Machine tags in Flickr API
[offtopic-ish] Flickr Ramps up Triple Tag (Machine Tags) Support. « geobloggers
Folksonomies Tap People Power
Welcome to IEEE Xplore 2.0: Jazz and the Eclipse Way of Collaboration
About Jazz: Overview - Jazz Community Site
Linked Data - Design Issues
Social Bookmarking Tools (I): A General Review
Building efficient and effective metasearch engines
Screenr - Create screencasts and screen recordings the easy way
Intranet Blog :: Adopt Intranet 2.0 or risk failure
Prescient Digital Media - intranet consultant, intranet consulting, intranet planning and Internet planning. - Product Reviews From People like You - The Personal File Tagging Utility for Windows XP and Vista
Episode 132: Top 10 Architecture Mistakes with Eoin Woods | Software Engineering Radio
linkaGoGo - free Online Favorites manager and Social Bookmarking Application
Rather an online bookmarks manager than a SOCIAL bookmarking tool. Still looks like 2001.
Tagging | Pew Internet & American Life Project
Why Tagging Matters: An Interview with David Weinberger | Pew Internet & American Life Project
Mister Wong | Social Bookmarking Tool
One of the oldest social bookmarking platforms TransparenTag File System - Project Web Hosting - Open Source Software
Blueprint: “A tag-based filesystem for ubuntu”
Definition of Twitter hashtags, the easy tag directory
Faceted search - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Taxonomy Books, Articles, and Reports
LibraryThing | Catalog your books online
Ontology of Folksonomy
Quintura - visual search engine
Hulbee AG
A company from Switzerland offering search related solutions and services.
SPTags - Home
Chandler Wiki : Hierarchy Versus Facets Versus Tags
Real-time Discovery Engine - YourVersion: Discover Your Version of the Web™
Focuses on delivering interesting content to the user but has bookmarking capabilities.
You’re It! » Introduction: Clay Shirky The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations
Tagle | Find, Organize, Share
Technology Review: Can You Trust Crowd Wisdom?
Viewer2 - kometbomb
Email Management: Cure Enterprise Email Overload and Share Information Clay Shirky's Viewpoints are Overrated
Folksonomies are a forced move: A response to Liz. Many-to-Many:
Bloug: Folksonomies? How about Metadata Ecologies?
Tagaroo » Make blogging better!
Lucene Tutorial
SOCIAL BOOKMARKING: 50+ Social Bookmarking Sites
Social Bookmarking Tools (II): A Case Study - Connotea
43 Things Timer - simple online countdown timer
Introduction to Information Retrieval
Carrot2 Clustering Engine
Turning the tide: a hands-on look at Google's Wave - Ars Technica
django-tagging - Project Hosting on Google Code
Enterprise 2.0 Fallstudien
ScienceDirect - Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web : Discovering shared conceptualizations in folksonomies Two cultures of fauxonomies collide...
Mind Mapping Tools: Online Guide To Web-Based MindMap Drawing Services
Locations und Freunde finden - skobbler
PSD to HTML, PSD to XHTML | PSD2HTML - Portable software for USB drives
GNU Emacs Manual
Specify Coding - GNU Emacs Manual
How to reread a buffer with a particular coding system.
Dimdim: Web conferencing that just works.
Enterprise 2.0 - Vernetzung und Social Media in Unternehmen |
Kommunikation ohne Kommaregeln | feynschliff Blog FancyZoom 1.1
Build Your Own Firefox Extension - SitePoint Books
Prezi - The zooming presentation editor
Arbeitsalltag: Der Fluch der Unterbrechung | Leben | ZEIT ONLINE
Zotero | Home
A social bookmarking tool for researchers.
Panierter Feta
Überbackener Ziegenkäse mit Honigsauce
I-SEMANTICS '09 | International Conference on Semantic Systems
I-KNOW ’10 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies - 1–3 September 2010, Messe Congress Graz, Austria
Pimki Home Page
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Wiki communities for everyone! --
Chickipedia - The Wiki of Hot Women
squid : Optimising Web Delivery
JMeter - Apache JMeter (load testing software)
YouTube - Youtube Street Fighter
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American Ranch - Dressing
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Building Web 2.0 Enterprise: McKinsey Global Survey Results - McKinsey Quarterly - Business Technology - Strategy
McKinsey-Studie: Web 2.0-Anwendungen wirken positiv aufs Business
Umfrage von McKinsey: Enterprise 2.0 wächst weltweit -
The Fun Theory
Zukunft von Wikipedia: Lustverlust in der Lexikon-Maschine - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Netzwelt
Oberleitungsbus – Wikipedia
Welcome to Debatepedia! - Debatepedia
Online debate community for logical, passionate people - CreateDebate
IntenseDebate comments enhance and encourage conversation on your blog or website Home
Highcharts - Interactive JavaScript charts for your webpage
Stefano’s Linotype » Why Programmers Suck at CSS Design
Allan Jardine | Reflections | Visual Event
A bookmarklet revealing all the javascript event binding on a page.
ThinkGeek :: Stuff for Smart Masses
Schaeferblick Weblog
Home | blueKiwi
Sematext - Lucene, Solr, Nutch, Hadoop Experts
Continuous Integration & Build Server - TeamCity
CiteULike: A Faceted Classification Scheme for Computer Mediated Discourse
EKAW 2010 Conference -- Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management by the Masses
YouTube - Jeff Dunham - Achmed the Dead Terrorist
Diskurstheorie – Wikipedia
 LiquidFeedback – interaktive Demokratie
Linkage Flooding: Ein Algorithmus zur dateninhaltsorientierten Fusion in vernetzten Informationsbeständen | Mendeley - Semantic Wiki | Semantic Wikis
WikiMatrix - Compare them all
Explaining and Showing Broad and Narrow Folksonomies :: Off the Top ::
Optimizing Tagging UI for People & Search :: Off the Top :: Organising Knowledge: Taxonomies, Knowledge and Organizational Effectiveness
Wenger Schweizer Offiziersmesser Giant Messer, mit Schatulle: Sport & Freizeit
Das "satire" Tag bezieht sich auf die Kommentare unter der Produktbeschreibung. - Scheduling made Easy
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MOAT: Meaning Of A Tag |
luke - Project Hosting on Google Code
Lucene - Permission Filtering
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UI/API/1.8/Draggable - jQuery JavaScript Library
Rich Snippets - Webmaster Tools Help
Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
FOAF Vocabulary Specification
Stock-Fotografien, -Illustrationen und -Filmmaterial – Corbis
JRDF - An RDF Library in Java Home
Project Metrics Help - Chidamber & Kemerer object-oriented metrics suite
Folksonomies: Indexing and Retrieval in the Web 2.0 Knowledge and Information
Cacoo - Create diagrams online Real time collaboration
Hyena: Home
Die 200 Parameter des Google Algorithmus » SEO- und Internet-News by TechDivision
Linguee – Das Web als Wörterbuch – Deutsch/Englisch
Awareness Systems: Advances in Theory, Methodology and Design Human-Computer Interaction
Microsoft Pivot - Schwimmen durch große Datenmengen -
Kostenlose Fax Software. Fax versenden per Internet Fax Service - PamFax
Outlook Attachment Reminder - For Outlook 2007/2010
Forgotten Attachment Detector
Bluefish Editor : Home
Web Analytics – Wikipedia
Aperture Framework
RDFImportersAndAdapters - ESW Wiki
Strukturieren statt formu­lieren » Wissenschaft Forschung Lehre Hochschule Professor Universität Habilitation Bachelor Bologna-Reform Exzellenzinitiative » Forschung & Lehre
Pipes: Rewire the web
WordPress › PubSubHubbub « WordPress Plugins
Feed Informer: Mix, convert, and republish feeds
Hub - PubSubHubbub
First-Person Tetris tag cleaner
delicious blog
OpenLink RDF Browser
Disco Hyperdata Browser
Absolutely Delicious Tools Collection
Scripted Re-Mark - Batch Editor for Bookmarks
Sindice - The semantic web index
The Apache Cassandra Project
Tag Gardening for Folksonomy Enrichment and Maintenance
FaceTag: Integrating Bottom-up and Top-down Classification in a Social Tagging System
FaceTag - IASummit 2007
IBM – Visualization software
IBM - Cognos Business Intelligence and Performance Management Software
SPSS, Data Mining, Statistical Analysis Software, Predictive Analysis, Predictive Analytics, Decision Support Systems
Bundestagsradar - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten
Social Tagging and the Enterprise: Does Tagging Work at Work?
WYMeditor - web-based XHTML editor - Home
Folksonomy Definition and Wikipedia :: Off the Top ::
Home | Semantic Web Dog Food
UDC Seminar 2009
Apache Wicket - Home
James Governor's Monkchips » On The Emergence of Professional Tag Gardeners
Thesaurus Construction and Use: A Practical Manual
Official Google Blog: Help and learn from others as you browse the web: Google Sidewiki
Wiki des Servicesbüro Informatik - Studium
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Photo editor online - edit image
Desktops - CNET Reviews
Digital cameras: compare digital camera reviews - CNET Reviews
ARQ - A SPARQL Processor for Jena
Semantic Web Client Library
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Tabulator: Generic data browser
SweetWiki -
Sapience -
RDF2Go -
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WikiCFP : Call For Papers of Conferences, Workshops and Journals
Toward a Pattern Language for Enterprise 2.0 : Andrew McAfee’s Blog
phptagengine - Project Hosting on Google Code
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Semantic Search: The Myth and Reality
Popego | We Build Meaning
Meaningtool - Create Your Own AI
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OpenSocial Specification 1.0
WizardRSS | Full Text RSS Feeds
SproutCore - Home
Faceted Classification Software Tools
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AWS Toolkit for Eclipse
skipfish - Project Hosting on Google Code
Wiki Design Principles
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Building Search Applications: Lucene, Lingpipe, and Gate: Manu Konchady
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Ymacs -- An Emacs-like editor for the Web
Application Development with’s Cloud Computing Platform -
Why Isn’t This the Tag Standard? Multi Word, Comma Separated « I'm Not Actually a Geek
The Top Ten Worst URL’s in the world. « Amnesia Blog
Google Maps Distance Calculator - a place to stash your information
Tag Sale - January 01, 2006
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RSSCloud Vs. PubSubHubbub: Why The Fat Pings Win
Yahoo! Search BOSS - YDN
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URIs, URLs, and URNs: Clarifications and Recommendations 1.0
Computer Science Conference Rankings | Web Analytics für Internet & Intranet in Sharepoint 2010
Webtrends. Enterprise Customer Intelligence
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Piwik - Web analytics - Open source
AWStats - Free log file analyzer for advanced statistics (GNU GPL).
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Google Mail: Neue Funktionen im Labs-Bereich -
RDFa in XHTML: Syntax and Processing
Introduction to Google App Engine
Google Mail kann Drag-and-Drop -
GPL Violations homepage - The project
Competence Network Social Software (CNSS) : CNSS
Lucid Imagination » Getting Started with Payloads
High Scalability - High Scalability - Intercloud: How Will We Scale Across Multiple Clouds?
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Taggable - Connecting People to Web Pages
Government requests directed to Google and YouTube
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Open Graph protocol - Facebook-Entwickler
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Simple small business software, collaboration, CRM: 37signals
Plugins for Microsoft Outlook and Tools for Email Management | Baydin
Innovation Management from concept to completion - InnovationCast
MindTouch - Open Source Collaborative Networking for Intranets and Extranets
MindQuilt. Ask. Tag. Send. Answer.
The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project
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Mailinglisten/Bayern – Piratenwiki
CSS2 - Cursor styles
Riptano - Service and Support for Apache Cassandra
iSearch IT Solutions
The Really Inconvenient Truths: Seven Environmental Catastrophes Liberals Don't Want You to Know About--Because They Helped Cause Them
Web Search - Exalead
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Can All Tags Be Used for Search?
Weka 3 - Data Mining with Open Source Machine Learning Software in Java
Home - WG - User Managed Access - Kantara Initiative
Dynamic Taxonomies and Faceted Search: Theory, Practice, and Experience
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Search User Interfaces
Information Retrieval: Searching in the 21st Century
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Life Tracking: Feldforschung über sich selbst | Digital | ZEIT ONLINE
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ProgrammableWeb - Mashups, APIs, and the Web as Platform
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Mugtug | Browser Based Image Editing and Photo Sharing
Mind Mapping - Mindomo
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Online Textverarbeitung - Zoho Writer
Comparison of Automatic Tagging Tools (OpenCalais, Yahoo Term Extractor, Autotagging, Extractor, etc.) |
Gravity Applications - Tags - Simply Organized
Tags don’t cut it
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Attempts at Analyzing 19 million documents using MongoDB map/reduce
UJAM - About
jsTree » Home
Hadoop in Action
Algorithms of the Intelligent Web
Collective Intelligence in Action
The Appleseed Project - Open Source Social Networking
Enterprise 2.0 Conference Call for Papers - Santa Clara 2010
YouTube - Social Bookmarking in Plain English, for the rest of us
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Exploring the software behind Facebook, the world’s largest site | Royal Pingdom
HTTPS Everywhere | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Lijit | Website Search Engines, Blog Search Tools and Premium Online Advertising | Lijit Networks, Inc.
HTML5Rocks - Home
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The TWiT Netcast Network with Leo Laporte
DataTables (table plug-in for jQuery)
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Make Your Own Bookmarklets With jQuery - Smashing Magazine
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Bugs/Tags - Ubuntu Wiki
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openneuronet - Project Hosting on Google Code
BranchingExplained - Mercurial
960 Grid System » SharePoint 2010 Server – Terms und Keyword
Scientific Network | ResearchGATE
Managed metadata overview (SharePoint Server 2010)
Chris O'Brien: Managed Metadata in SharePoint 2010 - some notes on the "why"
UnternehmerTUM | Businessplan-Grundlagenseminar »Geschäftsidee und Markt«
oFb - der onlineFragebogen → Fragebogen online erstellen, Befragung im Internet durchführen
Microsoft Office 365 - Online Services & Hosted Software in the Cloud
JAR Search -
Detexify LaTeX handwritten symbol recognition
ZURB – Interaction Design & Strategy
Xmarks | Bookmark Sync and Search
Formerly Foxmarks. Synchronizes the bookmarks across your different browsers. Tagging doesn't seem to be a feature here.
maui-indexer - Project Hosting on Google Code
Business Intelligence (BI) Software Solutions - Business Intelligence Reporting Software | QlikView
Magic Quadrant 2010 for Internal Social Software
XWiki - Main - WebHome
modpagespeed - Project Hosting on Google Code
NuCaptcha -- The Most Secure Captcha.
Novell Vibe
YouTube - MEGAWOOSH - Bruno Kammerl jumps
Engineering Web Applications
My Google Page Rank - Check Your Web Site PageRank With Our Free Page Rank Checker Tool
Kernkraftwerke in Deutschland | | Informationen zu Kernenergie, Atomenergie, Kernkraft, Atomkraft
Bridges  |  BridgeURL
Kooperationssysteme (CSCM) » Blog Archive » CFP: Mini Track Enterprise 2.0 at 12th European Conference on Knowledge Management
busch_bbuzz2010.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt)
Extended Semantic Web Conference 2010 - Call for Research Papers
Software für Remotezugriff und Desktop-Fernsteuerung für Ihren Computer
TeamViewer - kostenlose Fernwartung und Remote Desktop Sharing per Internet
Mikogo: Free Remote Desktop, Web Conferencing & Online Meetings
geek & poke cartoon
Contacts API
SpringerLink - Fulltext
Search Patterns
Navigation stress test | Keith Instone
HTML5Labs - Home
datawiki - Project Hosting on Google Code
Hipmunk: Better Flight Search
DropDAV - access your Dropbox via the WebDAV standard
IEEE Xplore - Innovating Collaborative Content Creation: The Role of Altruism and Wiki Technology
Best free backup and recovery software - EASEUS Todo Backup Home full features
Demotivators® - View All Demotivational Posters
Flock Browser - The Social Web Browser JavaScript with Thomas Fuchs » DOM Monster Bookmarklet
Simple Groupware - Open Source Groupware and CMS
TipsAndTricks - Mercurial
Open Web Analytics
Cloudant: CouchDB hosting
ICSOFT 2011 – International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Würfel Javascript
How businesses are using Web 2.0: A McKinsey Global Survey - McKinsey Quarterly - Business Technology - Application Management
Most common last names in the United States, top 1000
12th European Conference on Knowledge Management ECKM 2011 Germany
Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin - Fakebook
FU Math/Inf: Arbeitsgruppe Corporate Semantic Web
Ongo | Welcome to Ongo. Your news like never before.
Welcome to WikiSym 2011 [WikiSym 2011]
YouTube - Montags zur Arbeit
Hyperwave - Enterprise Content Management + Real Time Collaboration + eLearning
Similarity (Lucene 3.0.0 API)
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Der Shop für originelle Geschenke & Gadgets - Sowas will ich auch | Find. Compare. Decide.
Compete | Compete
ICAART 2012 – International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Category:Semantic wiki -
INSIC wall socket | Co.Design
Suche mit deiner Stimme mit Singen oder Summen nach Musiktiteln, schau dir Musikvideos an, mach bei Fanclubs mit, lade Freunde ein, lass dich als Star entdecken und vieles mehr – alles kostenlos! -
Gegen den Strom
This is JEOPARDY! - JEOPARDY! - Watson
KiWi - Knowledge In A Wiki - Home
Search Still Sucks
Ausgewählte Publikationen  Wikis für Wissensmanagement
SortFix - Improve your Search
Jdrop – JSON in the cloud | High Performance Web Sites
SEO Platform | BrightEdge
Google Public Data Explorer
Open Data Protocol (OData)
HTML5 — Edition for Web Developers
Web Design & Content Planning » Blog Archive » Wiki and Wiki Software - MA Web Design & Content Planning at the University of Greenwich
wissensmanagement > Online-Magazin > News HPI-Studenten konzipieren neuartige Software für Wissensvernetzung
The Long Tail
PhiloGL: A WebGL Framework for Data Visualization, Creative Coding and Game Development
P2 WordPress Theme, like Twitter in a box
Optimizely: A/B Testing you'll actually use
Visualisierung der Vorratsdaten von Malte Spitz
“Like,” “share,” and “recommend”: How the warring verbs of social media will influence the news’ future » Nieman Journalism Lab » Pushing to the Future of Journalism
neo4j open source nosql graph database »
Wikinews, die freie Nachrichtenquelle
JavaScript Garden
Gerald Weinberg's Secrets of Writing and Consulting: The Myth of Writers Block (and what to do when you're blocked)
HTML5 Boilerplate - A rock-solid default template for HTML5 awesome.
PlagiPedi Wiki
Wie viele Atomreaktoren gibt es in Deutschland? Wie viele Menschen leben im Umkreis eines AKWs? | ZEIT ONLINE
Verbraucher: Schwacher Strahl - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Wirtschaft
SharePoint Community Deutschland - SharePoint 2010 und mehr
LEDTECH-SHOP | LED Strahler |LED Leuchtmittel | LED Lampen | LED Spots
Lampen, Leuchten, LEDs, Strahler - Ihr günstiger Leuchtenshop 1-led
Why Angry Birds is so successful and popular: a cognitive teardown of the user experience
Die Wolke verblasst – Tag Clouds und Folksonomien im Intranet | Besser 2.0
Nutzen von Folksonomien für die Intranet-Suche | inter:gator Blog
YouTube - ZDF heute show 18.03.2011 -Martin holt den Püschel raus NPD Wahlkampf Sachsen Anhalt (Osten)
Online Rechner zur Umrechnung Pixel DPI Bildgröße
Blender: Wie Twitter seine Suche beschleunigt hat -
Clone Digger | Documentation |
Raphaël—JavaScript Library
snappy - A fast compressor/decompressor - Google Project Hosting
HTML5-Handbuch - Webkompetenz
Tempo :: The tiny JSON rendering engine by TwigKit
Welcome to Drizzle’s documentation! — Drizzle v2011.03.14.2269 documentation
Automatische E-Mailbehandlung auf mail
Eradicating Non-Determinism in Tests
Official Google Blog: More predictions in autocomplete
DCMI Metadata Terms
Palantir Technologies
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Edelweiss Research Team - Equipe de recherche Edelweiss - INRIA Sophia Antipolis
Crap4j Home
Talend Open Studio for Data Integration and Data Synchronization - Talend
Software Diagnostics
Web Notifications
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Data From The Edge
Traction Software - Social Software Meets Project Management
Business Collaboration with Enterprise Social Networking | Socialtext
us_tmt_ Social Software for Business_031011.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt)
Paperless | Mariner Software
Webkonferenzen, Online-Meetings, Telefonkonferenzen, Webinare - spreed
Geschenke und Geschenkideen - Erlebnisse & Erlebnisgeschenke | MYDAYS Usability Testing, User Experience Consulting: Usability Testing, User Experience Consulting
Outlook 2010: Neue Features optimal nutzen - Business - CHIP Online
LED-Shop by - Smart Meter: Digitaler Stromzähler - der intelligente Stromzähler
WinFS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Indisches Restaurant Samrat München | Papa-Schmid-Str. 1 | 80469 München Altstadt-Lehel - Home
Apache UIMA - Apache UIMA
WebRTC - Portal für digitale Unsterblichkeit - Online Friedhof
Twitter Engineering: The Engineering Behind Twitter’s New Search Experience
MySQL: ibdata files do not shrink on database deletion [innodb] | Technology: Learn and Share
Above the Clouds
Eucalyptus (computing) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing
jisis-2011-vol1-no1-01.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt)
Duplicate content: causes and solutions - SEO 101 - Yoast
Yoast - Tweaking Websites
Künstliche Intelligenz: Computer lernt Civilization durch Handbuchstudium -
E.ON EnergieNavi
High Scalability - High Scalability - ATMCash Exploits Virtualization for Security - Immutability and Reversion
TUM IT Servicezentrum: Datenaustausch mit GigaMove
The Joel Test: 12 Steps to Better Code - Joel on Software
Massimo Rimondini - Useful downloads: PPspliT (splits Power Point animations into different slides)
Entireweb - The web, images and realtime search engine
NICTA - Clouds for Enterprises (C4E) 2011
SMART EVENT 2011 » September 21-23, 2011 – Sophia-Antipolis, French Riviera
‪SnoopyTagging Introduction‬‏ - YouTube
UnQL: SQL für NoSQL-Datenbanken -
Microsoft Academic Search
Cloud Hosting, Cloud Servers, Hybrid Hosting, Cloud Infrastructure from GoGrid
RSA Laboratories - High Assurance & Integrity Layer
HT2011: 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia
Maßhemden, Accessoires vom Herrenausstatter mit Stil |
HTML5 and CSS3 - Adobe - The Expressive Web - Beta
Smallest Federated Wiki Videos
Extreme 3ball juggling - YouTube
HT2012: 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia
Clever Algorithms
The Algorithm Design Manual: Steven S. Skiena: Englische Bücher
The Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO) - Ontology Portal
UnternehmerTUM | E-Camp! Enterprising Knowledge
Gamification – Steigerung der Nutzungsmotivation durch Spielkonzepte | Soziotechnische Integration
The Intelligent Transport Layer - zeromq
tagstore - a new way of storing and accessing files
Digitaler Zettelkasten - Wissensmanagement
Offline Files in HTML5: The FileSystem API | Web Builder Zone
TOSCA - Home
Mindmapping im Team – Online-Zusammenarbeit leicht gemacht ::
Gadgets, Geschenke und T-Shirts im Geek Shop nicht nur für Nerds
Best Practices for Designing Faceted Search Filters :: UXmatters
Dokumenten-Management und elektronische Archivierung - Dokumentenmanagement-System DocuWare
ELO Digital Office GmbH
Twig - The flexible, fast, and secure PHP template engine - Homepage
ownCloud | Your Cloud, Your Data, Your Way!
Mike Krieger, Instagram at the Airbnb tech talk, on Scaling Instagram
Say goodbye to search and hello to BrainSpace
Startups, This Is How Design Works – by Wells Riley
Die freie Lernseite - Serlo
Geld verdienen im Internet: So schnell gibts 80 Euro
Belustigungsantrag.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt)
Less · Twitter Bootstrap
Episode 187: Grant Ingersoll on the Solr Search Engine | Software Engineering Radio
Kochkiste – Wikipedia
How to Customize the File Open/Save Dialog Box in Windows - How-To Geek
Einfach erklärt: Liquid Democracy - YouTube
Search User Interfaces - YouTube
Seedmatch | Crowdfunding-Plattform - Investments in innovative Startups
IFTTT / Channels
cloudHQ - Sync Google Drive, Dropbox, Evernote, Basecamp
Apache Mahout: Scalable machine learning and data mining
Sascha Lobo über Offenheit im Netz und wie sie ausgenutzt wird - SPIEGEL ONLINE
What Is Search Now? Disjoined. | John Battelle's Search Blog
Amazon's New Cloud Search Service Is A Brilliant Slap At Google, HP, Others - Business Insider
Strategiewechsel: Wer bei Facebook gesehen werden will, soll zahlen | Digital | ZEIT ONLINE
Netvouz - Online Social Bookmark Manager - Save, Tag and Share your bookmarks
Seems to support folders and keywords. Doesn't look very impressive.
Alltag auf der Kinderstation - Video - Frühstücksfernsehen - Sat.1
Ben Alman » jQuery BBQ: Back Button & Query Library
Endeca | Applications | Oracle
Mountain Lion’s New File System | Information Architects
Sparda Bank - Sparda Movie Stars (full) - YouTube
Thomas Hempel - Regieassistent - YouTube
PoolParty Semantic Information Management
Library Genesis
Du bist Terrorist! - Eine Kampagne gegen Terroristen. [HD] - YouTube
Apps for SharePoint overview
Enterprise Crowdsourcing Platform | - Crowdsourcing-Services: SEO Content and more
Entrepreneur und Investor Frank Thelen: “Das Lean Startup ist tot” »
How to find a great software product name « Successful Software
Tips and Techniques of Finding a Good Product Name | Gatherball
Quick-sort with Hungarian (Küküllőmenti legényes) folk dance - YouTube
ASCII Generator
Schnelle Umfragen mit Demographie. Get feedback -
Pissing off a frog... | Facebook
10 Portraits Ruined By The Mirror from You're Doing It Wrong
'Terminator' arm is world's most advanced prosthetic limb - YouTube
Real Life Human Barbie Doll - YouTube
Wickert und Schäuble - YouTube
Accidentally moved a folder and cannot find it |
Scientific Citations | Intro Page
Hojoki: Make All Your Cloud Apps Work As One
Cleverlize - Mobile Learning made by YOU
Klimawandel: Die Klimakrieger | Wissen | ZEIT ONLINE
Buchzusammenfassungen — Bücher | getAbstract
Systematischer Irrsinn - Medienlügen - YouTube
Too Big to Know
Bevölkerungsentwicklung in Deutschland - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Heroku | Cloud Application Platform
Please stop embedding Bootstrap classes in your HTML!
Kymera Wand Zauberstab Universal Infrarot Fernbedienung: Elektronik
BugHerd | The world's simplest bug tracker
Belles Lettres – Deutsch für Dichter und Denker: Video-Tutorials und Artikel zur deutschen Sprache, Grammatik und Stilistik
Windows Project Glass: One day too... - YouTube
NatSpec - Leverage Specification and Validation of Software Functionality
A Tale of Two Cows |
American Pancakes
Facebook’s HTML5 Mistake | Web Builder Zone